Sarah Tahamont
Zubin Jelveh
Aaron Chalfin
Shi Yan
Benjamin Hansen
Working Paper 25657
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
March 2019
We extend our sincere thanks to Melissa McNeill at the University of Chicago Crime Lab New
York for her work in developing the records matching algorithm employed in this paper. We
would also like to thank Leslie Kellam, Ryang Hui Kim, Srivatsa Kothapally, Jens Ludwig, Jim
Lynch, Mike Mueller-Smith, Aurelie Ouss, Greg Ridgeway, Jesse Rothstein and Greg Stoddard
for helpful comments on this project. We thank the Laura and John Arnold Foundation for its
generous support of the University of Chicago Crime Lab New York. Points of view or opinions
contained within this document are those of the author. They do not necessarily represent those of
the Laura and John Arnold Foundation or the National Bureau of Economic Research. Of course,
all remaining errors are our own. Corresponding Author: Sarah Tahamont, Email:
NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been
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© 2019 by Sarah Tahamont, Zubin Jelveh, Aaron Chalfin, Shi Yan, and Benjamin Hansen. All
rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without
explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
Administrative Data Linking and Statistical Power Problems in Randomized Experiments
Sarah Tahamont, Zubin Jelveh, Aaron Chalfin, Shi Yan, and Benjamin Hansen
NBER Working Paper No. 25657
March 2019
JEL No. C1,C12,K42
The increasing availability of administrative data has led to a particularly exciting innovation in
public policy research, that of the “low-cost” randomized trial in which administrative data are
used to measure outcomes in lieu of costly primary data collection. Linking data from an
experimental intervention to administrative records that track outcomes of interest typically
requires matching datasets without a common unique identifier. In order to minimize mistaken
linkages, researchers will often use “exact matching” (retaining an individual only if all their
demographic variables match exactly in two or more datasets) in order to ensure that speculative
matches do not lead to errors in an analytic dataset. We argue that when this approach is used to
detect the presence of a binary outcome, this seemingly conservative approach leads to attenuated
estimates of treatment effects, and critically, to underpowered experiments. For marginally
powered studies, which are common in empirical social science, exact matching is particularly
problematic. In this paper, we derive an analytic result for the consequences of linking errors on
statistical power and show how the problem varies across different combinations of relevant
inputs, including the matching error rate, the outcome density and the sample size. We conclude
on an optimistic note by showing that machine learning-based probabilistic matching algorithms
allow researchers to recover a considerable share of the statistical power that is lost to errors in
data linking.
Sarah Tahamont
University at Albany,SUNY
Zubin Jelveh
University of Chicago
Aaron Chalfin
University of Pennsylvania
Shi Yan
Arizona State University
Benjamin Hansen
Department of Economics
1285 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
and NBER
1 Introduction
Among the more exciting developments in social science research is the innovation of the
increasingly ubiquitous “low-cost” randomized trial in which observations from an experi-
mental intervention are matched to administrative data in order to minimize primary data
collection and keep the costs of experimentation low. By linking together administrative
datasets, researchers can leverage the richness of information in pre-existing administrative
data sets and test the effect of an intervention of interest on a host of outcomes in domains
as diverse as criminal justice, education and health (Kinner et al., 2013; Mueller-Smith,
2016; Petrou and Gray, 2011). Scholars are lauded for compiling and combining data from
multiple sources but, despite considerable attention to issues attendant to linking data in
the statistical literature (Fellegi and Sunter, 1969; Lahiri and Larsen, 2005; Neter et al.,
1965; Newcombe et al., 1959; Scheuren and Winkler, 1993, 1997), in practice, there is typ-
ically little discussion of how data sources are actually linked together in applied research.
It is not uncommon for researchers to have little information on the linking process itself,
because it is often the case that administrative agencies to do the linking in order to main-
tain confidentiality. As a result, the description of the linking process that most research
papers provide is often limited to a footnote if that.
When a unique identifier is available in all of the datasets that require linking and
data quality is high, linking can, in some cases, be fairly trivial. These types of cross-
system unique identifiers are frequently available in Scandinavian countries (e.g. Black
et al., 2005; Dahl et al., 2014; Kuhn et al., 2011, among others). Unique identifiers in
the United States are essentially restricted to particular administrative system, requiring
linking across datasets which is typically both costly and results in some level of error. It
is often the case that unique identifiers are system-specific and virtually unknown outside
of the data (e.g. patient identifiers in hospital data or fingerprint numbers in arrest data).
Even system-specific administrative identifiers that are known outside a database (e.g.
social security number or student identification number) are not as reliable for linking
datasets as we might wish them to be because of problems with recording and reporting.
As a consequence, efforts to link data from an experimental intervention to administrative
records that track outcomes of interest often require linking datasets that were not built
For an exception, see Khwaja and Mian (2005) an example from the applied economics literature,
which details the process for linking data and observes that matching errors will lead to attenuation in the
coefficient estimates.
to be matched to one another and, which, often, lack a common unique identifier. In the
absence of this identifier, demographic characteristics like name and date of birth are used
to match data sets and, as a consequence, errors in data linkage are inevitable.
Matching errors can take on many forms depending on the record linkage problem
at hand. In this paper, we identify a special case of record linkage that is very common
but, unfortunately, is particularly difficult to deal with: the case in which the goal is to
link datasets in an attempt to detect the presence of a binary outcome such as arrest or
high school graduation. Although the case we present is specific, our findings could extend
to a number of settings including program participation in Supplemental Nutritional As-
sistance Program (Courtemanche et al., 2018), employment prevalence measured through
unemployment insurance wage records (Mas and Johnston, forthcoming), injuries measured
through hospitalization data (Powell and Seabury, forthcoming), or financial health mea-
sured through bankruptcy or liens (Dobkin et al., 2018).
At first glance, it is not obvious why the form of the outcome variable should be a
first order concern. To see why it is, we note that with a continuous outcome, when an
individual in an experimental sample cannot be linked to an outcome dataset, there is
a clear explanation of what has happened: the outcome data are missing. Consider, for
example, an outcome like a student’s score on a state standardized test. If Student A, a
participant in a study, is linked to a student record in a state’s education database, it is
possible that matching error might occur if the student was linked to the wrong student’s
outcome. But if, after the linking process, Student A’s record has not linked to a record in
the state database, then it is clear that the data are missing (either because of bad matching
or because the student did not take the exam).
. Ultimately, the primary question for the
researcher, in this case, is whether the data are missing at random or if statistical adjustment
is required to address the problem of non-random missing data. While this can be a thorny
problem in applied research, there is a litany of formal guidance and many associated “rules
of thumb” to help navigate this particular issue.
On the other hand, consider a different scenario in which a researcher is interested in
evaluating whether a job training program for at-risk youth reduces the likelihood of arrest.
In constructing an analytic dataset, individuals whose names link to the post-intervention
arrest file are considered “arrested” and individuals whose names do not link to the arrest
Note that, in this case, there might even be an indicator for whether or not the student took the exam,
which might help differentiate between bad matching and missing data.
file are considered “not arrested.” Notably though, those individuals who cannot be found in
the arrest file did not necessarily have zero arrests some of these individuals may not have
been found due to errors in their names, dates of birth, or other identifying characteristics
that were used to link the data. In this case, it is not clear what a non-linked record means:
does this mean that the individual has not been re-arrested or that the individual’s arrest
record cannot be found in the outcome dataset? Not limited to arrest, this issue is applicable
to any context in which the goal of the linking process is to determine the presence of an
outcome and there is no prior prediction for how many records should match — for example,
hospital utilization, college matriculation or program completion for an intervention.
There are two important features of our arrest scenario or any scenario in which the
outcome of interest is binary — which bear further discussion. First, with a binary outcome
variable, the rate of successful record linking becomes the outcome density in the analytic
dataset. Because it is not clear a priori how many of the experimental records should link
to the outcome data, there is no way to use the match rate between datasets to evaluate the
quality of the match. Second, from a data-linking perspective, the most important thing
is to link the experimental observations to the correct outcome as opposed to linking to
the correct individual in the outcome data. That is, in this particular case, if Person A is
mistakenly linked to Person B in the outcome data, the mismatch will only be empirically
consequential if Person A and Person B have different outcomes (e.g., Person A is arrested
and Person B is not arrested). This is not generally the case with a continuous outcome
where the outcome can take on many possible values.
These points distinguish this linking
case from other kinds of longitudinal record linking cases (Bailey et al., 2017; Feigenbaum,
2016) but, to our knowledge, this distinction has not been discussed in the prior literature
on administrative data matching.
A good match is critical, because bad matches introduce noise that obscures the re-
lationship between the outcome variable and the treatment variable. In the presence of
noisy matching, even a perfectly-executed randomized controlled trial will fail to deliver
an unbiased estimate of the effectiveness of an intervention. In this paper, we show ana-
Consider that a low match rate in this context could either mean that there is a low re-arrest rate in
the sample or that there was a high rate of matching error.
It is important to note that this particular definition of matching error only applies when the experimen-
tal data is only being linked to the outcome data. If there are also additional variables in the administrative
data in addition to the outcome, those could generate problematic linking errors if they do not share the
demographic profile of the experimental observation to which they are linked.
lytically that matching errors of this form will attenuate estimates of the treatment effect
in an RCT. Critically though, while attenuation is an unwanted outcome, by far the most
insidious result of matching error is its effect on ex-ante statistical power and, therefore,
on a researcher’s ability to detect a true treatment effect when one exists (Type II errors).
While modest matching errors will lead to modest attenuation, given that few experiments
are overly well-powered, even small amounts of matching error can have outsize effects on
Type II error rates. For rare outcomes (e.g. Gelber et al., 2016) and small sample sizes (e.g.
Fischbacher et al., 2001), both of which are common and even typical in randomized experi-
ments, matching errors are particularly problematic. For instance, medical studies, housing
lotteries, or educational experiments all are examples of potential experiments where some
of the most important outcomes are rare and could be measured with administrative data.
Researchers who conduct ex-ante power analyses, and subsequently link to administrative
data to detect the presence of their outcome of interest, will therefore overestimate their
power to detect effects, often by a considerable margin. If null findings are less likely to be
published, attenuation bias can have dire consequences not only for individual papers but
also for entire literatures. Indeed, this form of publication bias (filing papers in the “desk
drawer”) may contribute to the “replication crisis” in empirical social science (Camerer
et al., 2016; Gerber and Malhotra, 2008; Gilbert et al., 2016; Pashler and Wagenmakers,
2011; Vivalt, 2017).
How do researchers handle the problem of imperfect data linkage? Despite the existence
of a number of proposed linking methods (Lahiri and Larsen, 2005; Scheuren and Winkler,
1993, 1997), we observe that researchers, in practice, often use “exact matching”, consid-
ering an individual to be a match only if his or her demographic identifiers (i.e., name and
date of birth, etc.) match exactly in two or more datasets, in order to minimize incorrect
linkages in the data (Whitaker, 2004). Researchers impose stringent matching criteria in
order to ensure that speculative matches do not lead to errors in the dataset that will be
used to evaluate the intervention. This has been a popular approach to administrative data
linking (Gelber et al., 2016; Hser and Evans, 2008; Khwaja and Mian, 2005; Mueller-Smith,
2016), and is thought to be conservative, as it minimizes the probability that a bad match
will make it into the analytic dataset, thus keeping the data as “pure” as possible.
Concerns over the misuse of researcher degrees of freedom and specification searching have likewise
spurred recommendations which include the use of very small α levels (Benjamin et al., 2018), which increases
the probability of Type II errors as a consequence of matching error even more.
A large literature considers the implications that measurement error can have for econometric models
This “conservative” approach to data linking is seemingly logical as it will minimize
false positive matches in which the wrong outcome data are linked to a given individual
in the study sample.
However, creating stringent character match requirements will,
by definition, increase false negative links. We argue that researchers should focus not
on “bad matches” but on the sum of false positive and false negative error rates in the
matching process. By allowing more false negatives in order to decrease false positive links,
“exact matching” can lead to a more matching error and more pronounced attenuation bias.
Instead, more flexible matching strategies can reduce the rate of “missed” good matches
(even if they may slightly increase the rate of false positive links) and also decrease the
sum of the error rates. We further show that matches performed using machine-learning
algorithms (which draw on probabilistic matching techniques) can, in most cases, reduce
the sum of false positive and false negative error rates considerably by allowing for some
flexibility in the match. Finally, we demonstrate how specifically minimizing the sum of
false positive and false negative error rates as the objective in a machine learning-based
matching algorithm leads to the lowest attenuation bias in regression estimates.
The paper proceeds as follows. First, we briefly review the literature on matching errors
in empirical social science. Next, we derive an analytic result for the consequences of the
matching error on treatment effect estimation and show that the sum of false positive and
false negative error rates is what matters, not either of these error rates in isolation. Next,
we present numerical estimates to demonstrate how the attenuation of treatment effects and
the corresponding erosion of statistical power varies across different combinations of relevant
inputs including the 1) the sum of false positive and false negative error rates, 2) the outcome
density, and 3) the sample size. Results suggest that, in most empirical applications, the
problem of bad data matching is not trivial in a relatively large experiment (n = 750) with
a relatively non-dense outcome (
Y = 0.5), power would be 20% lower (0.6 instead of 0.8) in
the presence of a realistic amount of matching error. We proceed with an empirical example
but, to our knowledge, there is considerably less formal guidance with respect to how bad data matching
can confound randomized experiments. It is also worth noting that when scholars need to match datasets
without a common identifier there is no “ground truth” to assess the quality of the match. Likewise, there is
often no prior about what the match rate should be, rendering it difficult to diagnose whether the matching
procedure employed is sufficient or not.
We emphasize, again, that, in this case, that the “right” match in the special case that we discuss does
not depend on linking an observation to its own record, per se, but rather to a record with the same value
of the outcome.
It is important to note that the definition of matching error, as well as the implications for how matching
error will affect coefficient estimates varies by matching context. For example, Moore et al. (2014) show that
when estimating relative risk ratios, minimizing false positive links is the best approach to data linkage.
that shows the difference between conservative exact matching strategies and linking using
a simple machine learning algorithm, which incorporates probabilistic linking components.
We conclude on an optimistic note by showing that, in most cases, we can mitigate the
consequences of matching error using data linkages derived using a simple machine learning
2 Motivation and Context
Scholarly consideration of the implications of data linkage dates back to the early days of
computerized record linkage itself (Fellegi and Sunter, 1969; Neter et al., 1965; Newcombe
et al., 1959). However, despite multi-disciplinary recognition that linking errors have im-
plications for subsequent analyses (Aigner, 1973; Campbell, 2009; Khwaja and Mian, 2005;
Lahiri and Larsen, 2005; Neter et al., 1965; Scheuren and Winkler, 1993, 1997), it appears
that, until recently, by and large, scholars working with empirical applications have de-
voted relatively little attention to describing the techniques used to link data, evaluating
the quality of the matches in linked data, or to determining how their study conclusions
might have varied based on the use of different data linking strategies.
In this section we provide a high-level conceptual overview of the essentials of data
linking in the social sciences. The purpose of this discussion is not to weigh in on best
practice in administrative data linking but instead to provide a framework to think about
how data linking can affect downstream estimates of a treatment effect of interest. In
this study, we use a very simple probabilistic matching algorithm in order to demonstrate
that even a basic implementation of probabilistic matching techniques can yield substantial
reductions in the bias introduced by linking errors and correspondingly large increases in ex
ante statistical power. Accordingly, we do not discuss the particulars of algorithm building
here but note, for interested readers, that excellent reviews can be found in Christen (2012)
and Winkler (2006).
Record linkage refers broadly to the practice of identifying records from different datasets
that correspond to the same individual.
In some circumstances, linkages can be generated
For a notable exception, see the extensive work of Winkler and colleagues who have been tackling
related issues for decades with Census data (Scheuren and Winkler, 1993, 1997; Winkler, 2006).
For narrative clarity, we limit our discussion to the linkage of data containing records on persons. This
discussion would extend to groups or firms, but the characteristics available for linking might be different.
using biometric indicators, such as fingerprints, or other truly unique identifiers.
biometric data can lead to misidentification in certain circumstances, linking using biomet-
ric indicators is generally considered more accurate than the traditional types of text-based
identifiers that we discuss in this paper (Watson et al., 2014) and may be sufficiently ac-
curate to dramatically narrow the scope of matching errors and their resultant effects on
empirical research. However, databases used to evaluate experimental interventions often do
not share a common unique identifier, and even less often share common biometric identi-
fiers, so researchers have to rely on demographic information in order to identify individuals
in the data linkage process. Frequently-used demographic variables include an individual’s
name (including first and last names, and sometimes a middle name or middle initial), date
of birth, social security number, gender, race, and ethnicity (for simplicity, hereinafter,
we refer to this set of information as a “demographic profile”). When researchers use de-
mographic profiles to link individuals across datasets, the linking enterprise is necessarily
imperfect for a variety of reasons, including typographical errors, changes in names, geo-
graphic mobility and sometimes due to the intentional provision of inaccurate information
(e.g., an arrestee providing a false identify to a police officer).
Given that there is underlying uncertainty about the rate of errors in the data, re-
searchers need to develop a set of rules that govern whether two demographic profiles will
be treated as though they belong to the same observation. This process is inherently subjec-
tive and while there are long established models for data linkage (Fellegi and Sunter, 1969),
there has been little discussion about linking choices and processes in the applied literature
(Connelly et al., 2016; Goerge and Lee, 2001). We can organize approaches to data linkage
into several broad categories: manual review, deterministic linkage, probabilistic linkage
and hybrid linking approaches.
Borrowing techniques from archival matching of historical records, scholars with a small
number of cases to link can, and sometimes do, conduct a manual review of profile dis-
agreements and decide whether or not two profiles should be considered to be a match.
Problems arise when there is limited information to work with and instead of being able to
For example, in the criminal justice domain, individuals are often tracked using unique fingerprint-
based identifiers in criminal case processing data managed by multiple law enforcement agencies such as
police agencies, courts and prisons. For an application that uses this type of matching, (see Freudenberg
et al., 1998).
In this instance we define “manual review” as the comparison of two records by an individual as
compared to a computer, this is distinct from the kind of archival review referenced in Bailey et al. (2017)
during which trained reviewers use information from multiple sources to identify matches.
triangulate using contextual factors, the raters are simply guessing based on a fixed set of
characteristics. In these cases, there is little reason to believe that manual review of cases
leads to higher accuracy when only demographic information is provided.
For example,
if two records share the same birthday, is Michael Smith a match for a record for Michael
Smyth, Mike Smith, or Mikey Smith? These might be typographical errors or nicknames,
but these might also be different individuals. The scenario is further complicated when the
two records do not exactly share a birthday or an address. Likewise, studies in which the
pool of potential matches is large for instance, a study of 200 students within a school
system with 50,000 students — it is impractical to conduct a thorough manual review, even
presuming that such a review could potentially produce more accurate matches.
When manual reviews are not possible, or even desirable, there are two approaches to
developing a set of rules that govern profile linking (Mason and Tu, 2008; Winkler, 2006).
The first, deterministic matching, refers to the practice of developing a set of criteria a
priori, and considering two demographic profiles to be the same individual if and only if
the original criteria are met. The strictest approach of this kind is “exact matching,” under
which a match is recognized only if all matching variables are identical across the two
profiles. Less stringent deterministic matching rules require only a subset of letters or digits
to match, such as the first three or four letters of names, or the month and date digits of
dates of birth. Importantly, profiles only link when they meet all of the similarity criteria.
A second approach is probabilistic matching. Instead of making rules based on the num-
ber of agreeing letters and digits, probabilistic matching seeks to estimate the probability
that two profiles belong to the same individual.
Probabilistic linking typically leverages
techniques that can calculate the similarity of names based on phonetic computation (e.g.,
Soundex, Double Metaphone, etc.). The more refined algorithms can also take into account
nicknames and the rarity of names in population (see for an example, Campbell et al., 2007).
A fully probabilistic linking approach was proposed by Lahiri and Larsen (2005) who advo-
cated using the matching weights in subsequent data analyses, re-weighting the data using
the matching probabilities, in order to account for the uncertainty in the linking process.
In fact, there is some reason to suspect that manual review of matches might lead to lower levels of
consistency due to reviewer fatigue, learning, or issues with inter-rater reliability.
According to our reading of the applied literature, “probabilistic matching” is used as a catch-all term
for any linkage method that incorporates a probabilistic technique, but, in practice, the term “probabilistic
matching” can refer to a number of different approaches some of which are conceptually very different from
one another.
Lahiri and Larsen (2005) builds on the work of Scheuren and Winkler (1993) who advocate for a similar
Carrying the matching probabilities into the analysis is the only pure form of probabilistic
data linking. However, in order to fully incorporate the probabilistic approach, a full set of
match weights is necessary. We were unable to find an example of pure probabilistic linking
in the applied literature. This is perhaps because it is a computationally intensive strategy,
which may be intractable with large data sets.
In practice, the most common probabilistic data linking approach is actually a hybrid
method that combines probabilistic methods used to identify candidate links and then sets
a deterministic threshold to classify links, nonlinks (and, in some cases, potential links).
To our knowledge, references to probabilistic matching in the applied literature generally
include a deterministic component even if a linking threshold is not mentioned explicitly.
Although these approaches may be most accurately characterized as “hybrid probabilistic-
deterministic,” in order to be consistent with the bulk of the extant applied literature, we
will refer to probabilistic matching with a deterministic linking threshold as “probabilistic
matching” throughout the rest of the manuscript. Some researchers have used probabilistic
matching algorithms with deterministic thresholds, often in the form of commercial linking
packages (Gold et al., 2010; Heller, 2014; Kariminia et al., 2007). There are also studies
in which a third party, rather than the researchers, conducts the linking. In those cases,
the algorithm is determined by the linking agency and is often proprietary and therefore
unavailable to be interrogated by referees or other scholars in the field (Binswanger et al.,
2007; Chowdry et al., 2013; Jiang et al., 2011; Zauber et al., 2012).
Different approaches to matching can lead to considerable variation in match accuracy
based on how the approaches handle disagreements between profiles. There are two types
of matching errors: 1) false positives and 2) false negatives, and different approaches to
matching will result in different combinations of these matching errors since there is an
inherent trade-off between false positives and false negative matches (Christen and Goiser,
2007). To see why this will be the case, consider that raising the stringency of the criteria
that are used to identify a match will reduce the number of false positive matches at the
expense of increasing the number of false negative matches. On the other hand, less stringent
strategy, but with a blocked matrix of probabilities (as opposed to a fully defined matrix of probabilities),
Lahiri and Larsen (2005) demonstrate that there are substantial gains to be made from fully defining the
matrix of match probabilities. However, their method presumes that it is tractable to fully define this matrix,
which may not be feasible when linking large administrative databases.
The goal of the Fellegi and Sunter (1969) model is to minimize the number of ambiguous candidate
links that require additional review.
deterministic rules and hybrid probabilistic matching will result in a greater number of
false positive matches and fewer false negative matches (Zingmond et al., 2004). In general,
comparisons of matching algorithms have found that probabilistic matching algorithms have
higher overall accuracy rates than deterministic rules (Campbell, 2009; Campbell et al.,
2008; Gomatam et al., 2002; Tromp et al., 2011), or, at a minimum, have similar accuracy
rates to deterministic rules (Clark and Hahn, 1995).
Several studies have examined the effects of matching errors on coefficient estimates
when linking two separate files (Cryer et al., 2001; Lahiri and Larsen, 2005; Neter et al.,
1965; Scheuren and Winkler, 1993). At the inception of computerized data linkage, the
key conclusion from Neter and colleagues was that “the consequences of even small mis-
match rates can be considerable” (Neter et al., 1965, p. 1021). Moreover, researchers have
recognized that classification errors, as a special case of classical measurement error, can
lead to downward bias in effect size estimates (Aigner, 1973; Campbell, 2009; Khwaja and
Mian, 2005). For example, Khwaja and Mian (2005, p. 1379, emphasis original) cautioned
the readers that “when [their] algorithm matches a firm to a politician, but the match is
incorrect ... estimates of political corruption are likely to be underestimates of the true
While downward bias may not be a first order concern when the biased estimates are
still statistically significant, the bias can be very problematic when researchers are unable
to detect real relationships between an intervention and an outcome of interest, a problem
which may be greatly exacerbated by the difficulty of publishing findings that are not sta-
tistically significant at conventional levels of confidence. In the presence of publication bias,
statistical power problems generated by matching errors can have negative consequences
not only for individual papers but also, potentially, for entire literatures. We proceed by
deriving an analytic result that shows how matching errors attenuate coefficient estimates
and how they affect estimated standard errors. We then note the implications for statisti-
cal power empirically demonstrate that probabilistic matching can be extremely helpful in
most circumstances.
This result builds on Aigner (1973).
3 Derivation of Estimated Treatment Effects, Standard Er-
rors and Statistical Power
In this section we derive the effects of matching errors on the estimated treatment effect,
ˆτ, as well as its standard error, se(ˆτ ), in a randomized experiment with a binary treatment
condition. We show that the effects of matching errors on both quantities have a closed
form solution. The estimated ˆτ will be attenuated and the degree of attenuation will be
proportional to the sum of the false positive and false negative matching error rates. The
effect of matching errors on se(ˆτ) is more complicated and may result in an increase or
decrease in the estimate of the standard error relative to the no matching error scenario. In
general, relative to the effect on coefficient estimates, standard errors are not very sensitive
to matching errors and, as a result, matching errors will always lead to a higher rate of
failing to reject a false null hypothesis, and in so doing, lead to a higher likelihood of
failing to detect a true treatment effect of a randomized intervention under study. As we
show, matching errors can be very detrimental to statistical power in all but the largest
randomized experiments.
3.1 Estimated Treatment Effect
We begin by showing that, in a randomized experiment, matching errors lead to attenuated
estimates of an average causal effect in absolute terms. Consider a randomized control trial
with a study sample of n units of which a fraction, p, are assigned to treatment and the
remaining (1 p) are assigned to a control condition. Information on this experimental
sample is stored in a dataset, E. We are interested in estimating the average treatment
effect of our intervention on an outcome, y. In this case, the outcome measure is stored in
an administrative dataset, D, where the number of individuals in D is much larger than n.
In order to estimate the average treatment effect, we need to match our experimental sample
to the outcomes stored in administrative dataset. If a record in E links to a record in D
then observed y = 1 and otherwise observed y = 0. The realized outcome for an individual
in E is given by the potential outcomes corresponding to the treatment condition:
(0) if T
= 0,
(1) if T
= 1
As such, the average treatment effect of the intervention, τ can be computed as:
τ = E[y
(1) y
(0)] = P (y
= 1|T
= 1) P (y
= 1|T
= 0) (2)
where T is a treatment indicator. The process of matching the experimental data to the
outcome data can lead to two types of errors:
False positive link (F P ): An instance in which an individual i has the true outcome
= 0, but was incorrectly linked to some other individual’s record in D with y
= 1
where i 6= j, such that in this case, the observed value of y after the linking process
is equal to 1.
False negative link (F N): An instance in which an individual i has the true outcome
= 1, but was not linked to a record in D. In this case, the observed value after the
linking process is y = 0.
It is important to note that since we are trying to match observations in E to a given
outcome in D, matching errors are only driven by whether the correct outcome is observed,
and not that the link refers to the same person in both datasets. Specifically, this means
that it would not be considered an error with respect to measuring the outcome if a record
in E is linked to the wrong person in D, provided the linked record had the same outcome
value as the true match. When records are matched to erroneous outcomes this will lead to
the following biased estimate of τ:
ˆτ = P (y
= 1|T
= 1) P (y
= 1|T
= 0) (3)
To further characterize the nature of the bias in τ we introduce the following four definitions:
True Positive Rate (T P R): P (y
= 1|y
= 1), or the probability that an individual
with outcome y = 1 will be linked to an individual in D yielding an observed outcome
= y = 1.
True Negative Rate (T N R): P (y
= 0|y
= 0), or the probability that an individual
with outcome y = 0 will not be linked to an individual in D yielding an observed
outcome y
= y = 0.
False Negative Rate (F N R): P (y
= 0|y
= 1), or the probability that an individual
with outcome y
= 1 will not be linked to an individual in D, yielding an observed
outcome y
6= y. F N R is equivalent to 1 - T P R.
False Positive Rate (F P R): P (y
= 1|y
= 0), or the probability that an individual
with outcome y
= 0 will be incorrectly linked to an individual in D, resulting in an
observed outcome y
6= y. F P R is equivalent to 1 - T N R.
Then the observed, and potentially biased, treatment effect can be written as:
ˆτ = P (y
= 1|T
= 1) P (y
= 1|T
= 0)
P (y
= 1, y
= j|T
= 1)
P (y
= 1, y
= j|T
= 0)
P (y
= 1|y
= j, T
= 1)P (y
= j|T
= 1)
P (y
= 1|y
= j, T
= 0)P (y
= j|T
= 0)
= T P R
P (y
= 1|T
= 1) T P R
P (y
= 1|T
= 0)
+ F P R
P (y
= 0|T
= 1) F P R
P (y
= 0|T
= 0) (4)
and T P R
are the true positive rates for the treatment and control groups, respec-
tively. Similarly, the false positive rate for the treatment and control groups are F P R
and F P R
. In the case where matching error rates are equivalent for both treatment
and control groups, as is expected under random assignment, we let T P R
= T P R
= F P R
. We can then re-write the expression more compactly:
ˆτ = T P R [P (y
= 1|T
= 1) P (y
= 1|T
= 0)]
+ F P R [P (y
= 0|T
= 1) P (y
= 0|T
= 0)] (5)
which can, in turn, be written as:
ˆτ = T P R [P (y
= 1|T
= 1) P (y
= 1|T
= 0)]
F P R [P (y
= 1|T
= 1) P (y
= 1|T
= 0)] (6)
The bracketed term in (6) is simply τ, the true treatment effect, which leads to the following
final form in the case of equivalent matching error across treatment and control:
ˆτ = (T P R F P R) τ (7)
We note that if the error rates were known, the true treatment effect could be recaptured:
τ =
Non-zero matching error will always attenuate the absolute value of the true treatment
Finally, we can re-write the denominator as 1 (F NR + F P R) and generate two
critical insights. First, bias will be proportional to the total matching error rate. The finding
that the sum of false positive and false negative error rates drives the bias is particularly
important given the tendency toward “exact matching,” which is thought to minimize error,
but, in fact, reduces the number of false positive links while increasing the number of false
negative links. Second, under reasonable assumptions on the magnitude of the error rates
(i.e. when F N R + F P R < 1), ˆτ will be attenuated towards zero that is, the estimated
treatment effect will be too small.
3.2 Estimated Standard Errors
In Section 3.1 we showed that matching error leads to an attenuated estimate of the av-
erage treatment effect and we further posited that bias introduced by matching errors will
reduce statistical power. However, in order to draw conclusions about the effect of matching
errors on statistical power, we must also consider the effect of matching error on estimated
standard errors. To see how matching error affects σ
, note that the variance of τ is given
p(1 p)
where p is the proportion of the study sample enrolled in treatment, N is the sample size,
and σ
is the residual outcome variance from a regression of y on the treatment indicator, T .
Taking the square root of the quantity on the right-hand side of in (9) yields the estimated
standard error around τ .
The only remaining step is to estimate the residual variance. We note that in the case
of linear regression, σ
can be defined via the residual sum of squares, and, with a binary
outcome and a binary treatment, results in the following form where y
and y
are the
If T P R = F P R then the previous equation is undefined and the observed treatment effect will equal
zero, but that situation is unlikely to occur in practice as it implies a random match.
number of individuals in the experimental group linked to records in the administrative
data for the treatment and control group, respectively (see derivation in Appendix B).
= y
+ y
While attenuation in the treatment effect depends only on the the sum of false positive
and false negative error rates, matching error affects the standard errors through the control
group mean, the treatment effect, and the distribution of false positive and false negative
links. To see how the distribution of matching error types affects the standard errors,
consider a scenario where there is no treatment effect. When the false positive rate is
greater than the false negative rate, the number of instances where y = 1 will increase and
the outcome density will also increase. Conversely, when the false negative rate is higher
the number of instances where y = 0 will increase and the outcome density will decrease.
The outcome density that maximizes the variance is ¯y = 0.5.
Whether the standard
errors increase or decrease depends on the extent to which the errors move the outcome
density toward or away from 0.5. For example, if the overall mean is 0.4, but the matching
algorithm produces more false negatives than false positives, then the observed treatment
group mean will be less than 0.4 and the resulting standard error will shrink. The situation
is slightly more complicated when there is a treatment effect, but we show in Appendix C
that Equation 10 is maximized when the control group mean plus the treatment effect equal
The interplay between these factors means that there will be scenarios in which matching
error will produce smaller standard errors when compared with the no error case. But in
the next section we show that even in these situations, matching error compromises a
researcher’s ability to detect a true treatment effect.
3.3 Implications for Statistical Power
While attenuation of coefficients can be troublesome, the effect of matching errors on sta-
tistical power is a far greater concern. Due to resource constraints, few randomized experi-
ments are overpowered, so modest matching errors can have an outsize effect on statistical
To see this, consider the scenario where there an equal number of individuals in the treatment and
control groups, then Equation 10 simplifies to 2 y
. It is straightforward to show that this quantity
is maximized when y
We begin by noting that since there is a closed form solution for the effect of
matching errors on the estimated average treatment effect and its standard error, there is
also a closed form solution for the effect of matching errors on statistical power (1 β). To
see this, consider that, for a given Type I error rate (α) and a standard error around the
average treatment effect, the probability of a Type II error is given by:
β = Φ
where τ
is the hypothesized treatment effect, σ
is the standard error, and Φ is the
cumulative distribution function for the normal distribution.
One minus this quantity is
statistical power. If the following condition holds, then power will always be lower under
matching error:
Since the true treatment effect will be adjusted according to 1 (F NR + F P R), Equation
12 can be re-written as:
1 (F N R + F P R)
1 (F N R + F P R)
As we discussed in the previous section, there will be situations in which σ
< σ
but in the Appendix we show that even in these situations the shrinkage in the standard
errors is never enough to offset the consequences of coefficient attenuation, and, therefore,
statistical power always decreases under matching error.
In the next section we show that even with modest matching errors, there can be large
declines in statistical power. Since, in the context of a randomized experiment, researchers
tend to set 1 β on the basis of their relative tolerance for the risk of an underpowered
finding, the result is that researchers will undertake randomized experiments that are un-
derpowered relative to their desired power thresholds.
Ioannidis et al. (2017) show that the median statistical power for a large body of studies in economics,
most of them observational, is just 18%.
For smaller samples, Φ would be replaced by the cumulative distribution function for the t distribution.
4 Analytic Results
In order to provide a sense for the degree to which matching errors lead to attenuation in
experimental estimates, incorrect standard errors, and corresponding declines in statistical
power, we compute the Type II error rate over a range of reasonable parameter values.
We focus specifically on the outcome density for the control group ¯y
, the hypothesized
treatment effect τ
, the sample size N and the matching error rates. Our goal here is to
demonstrate the dynamics of this problem and the contexts in applied research for which
it is likely to be especially pernicious.
4.1 Setup
In order to explore the effect of matching errors under a range of different parameterizations,
using the analytic results in Section 3, we derive closed form solutions for τ , se(τ) and,
ultimately, the Type II error rate, β, in two potential scenarios: one in which there are
no matching errors and another in which matching errors are present. While it is the
sum of false positive and false negative error rates (FPR+FNR) that dictates the degree of
attenuation in ˆτ, as we have shown, the extent to which matching errors affect the standard
error around this estimate and, relatedly statistical power, will also depend on the ratio
of false positive to false negative match rates. We motivate our setup using a dichotomous
outcome, y and a binary treatment, T where, as before, p is the proportion of the sample
that is treated and the remaining 1 p are untreated.
4.2 Main Results
Figure 1 contains four panels that report ex ante power calculations with and without
matching errors, corresponding to four control mean-effect size combinations (¯y
= 0.3,
0.5 and τ
= 15%, 25%) that are typical of power calculations in planning a randomized
experiment. In each panel, the total matching error rate that is the sum of the false
negative and false positive match rates is plotted on the X-axis while the Type II error
rate (β) is plotted on the Y -axis. The lines plot Type II error rates for a given sample size,
We begin our discussion with Panel (a) which corresponds with ¯y
= 0.5 and τ = 25%,
The computational details of this exercise are described in the computational appendix to this paper.
the parameterization which is best powered for a given sample size. Consider, for example,
a very large experiment in which N = 2,000. In such an experiment, a Type II error will
be extraordinarily rare approximately zero in the absence of matching errors. Even
when the matching error rate is as high as 30%, the probability of a Type II error will
be approximately 3%, meaning that such an experiment will have a 97% probability of
detecting a treatment effect of 25%. This is sensible as matching errors have little effect on
statistical power when an experiment is extremely overpowered. However, due to resource
constraints, overpowered experiments are rare. A more realistic scenario is an experiment
in which N = 500. This sample size corresponds with the solid, red line in Panel (a). In
the absence of matching errors, this study has a Type II error rate of approximately 20%
which is considered by many researchers to be a reasonable default rule in conducting ex
ante statistical power calculations (Moher et al., 1994). Under even a relatively modest
matching error rate of 10%, Type II error rates rise to approximately 28%; with a 20%
matching error rate, the probability of a Type II error nearly doubles to 39%.
Another way to understand the impact of matching errors is to consider how much
larger the study would have to be to maintain a given Type II error rate, β. This too can
be seen in Figure 1. Referring to Panel (a), consider a study of size, N = 500 which has a
Type II error rate of approximately 20% in the absence of matching errors but a 38% Type
II error rate under 20% matching error. Here, it would take a 50% increase in the size of
the study (from N = 500 to 750) to return to the desired Type II error rate of 20%. As
resource constraints are often binding, increasing the size of a study by 50% is most often
The effects of matching error on statistical power are even more dramatic with a less
dense outcome and a smaller treatment effect of interest. In Panel (b), ¯y
is fixed at 0.5
but now we are interested in being able to detect a smaller treatment effect, τ = 15%.
Now, even in the absence of matching error, we will need a larger sample size to detect a
treatment effect of this magnitude (e.g. for N = 500, the Type II error rate at zero matching
error is greater than 60%). Focusing on the sample size (N = 1,500) that roughly yields
the default Type II error rate of 20% in the absence of matching errors. In this case, we see
that when the sum of false positive and false negative errors is at a reasonable level (15%)
Type II error rates will increase by approximately 50%, from 20% to around 30%. We see
a similar relationship when the treatment effect of interest is 25% but the outcome is less
dense (Panel c). Finally, we turn to Panel (d) in which we have both a less dense outcome
= 0.3 and a smaller treatment effect of interest 15%. Here, even a very large experiment
will sometimes fail to detect a true treatment effect as the Type II error rate for a study
of size N = 3,000 is approximately 25% in the absence of matching errors. In this case, a
reasonable matching error rate of 15%, takes the Type II error rate to 40%.
4.3 Extensions
Next, we consider two extensions of the simple model outlined in 4.1. Specifically, we allow
for the presence of a covariate that is correlated with the outcome and we consider the
implications of matching errors for tests of treatment heterogeneity.
4.3.1 Allowing for Covariates
The results reported in Section 4.2 presume that researchers do not have access to or,
at least, do not use pre-test covariates in estimating ˆτ . While a healthy debate exists
about the wisdom of controlling for covariates in a finite sample, it is common empirical
practice in analyzing randomized experiments to condition on covariates and estimate an
average treatment effect by regressing y on both T and a vector of covariates, X (Angrist
and Pischke, 2009; Duflo et al., 2007). The wisdom behind controlling for covariates is
straightforward. Given that the treatment is randomized, X will be unrelated to T but
may be helpful in explaining y. The result is that residual variation will shrink and so too
will estimated standard errors. Thus, controlling for covariates will increase a researcher’s
power to detect treatment effects and, in expectation, will not bias the estimated treatment
effect. Given that the primary purpose of controlling for covariates in an experimental setup
is to increase statistical power, a natural question is whether doing so has implications for
the effect of matching errors on statistical power.
In order to answer this question, we generate a covariate, X, that is correlated with y
but which, by construction, is uncorrelated with T . For simplicity, we generate a dichoto-
mous X which is found in equal proportions in the treatment and control groups (though
all of the analytic results will also hold in the case in which X is continuous). The setup
is the same as before with the exception that we specify an imbalance parameter, r, which
governs the strength of the relationship between y
and X. Specifically, r is difference in
the proportion of the sample for which y
= 1 when X = 0 and when X = 1. In other
words, r represents the amount of imbalance in the outcome density between individuals
who possess characteristic X and those who do not. For example, if ¯y
is 0.5, when r = 0.1,
= 0.4 for the X = 1 group and 0.6 for X = 0 group, or vice versa. When r is large, y
and X will be highly correlated and standard errors shrink by a relatively large amount.
In the demonstration below, we fix r =0.1. However, the choice of r does not have a first
order effect on the extent to which matching errors lead to Type II errors.
We present
findings in Figure 2 in which Panels (a)-(d) correspond with the same parameterizations
shown in Figure 1. Referring to Panel (a) in which ¯y
= 0.5 and τ = 25%, we see that,
compared to Figure 1, the y-intercept has shifted downwards reducing the probability of
Type II error when a covariate is added to the model. Without matching error, a sample of
N = 500 yielded a Type II error rate of approximately 20% in the absence of a covariate,
conditioning on a reasonably predictive covariate reduces the Type II error rate to just over
15%. In the case of this marginally powered sample (N = 500), a reasonable error rate of
15% doubles the Type II error. Referring to Panel (b) where the researcher would like to
detect a treatment effect of 15%, we see that the consequences of matching errors continue
to be severe in the presence of a covariate with Type II error rates typically increasing
by between 50% and 75% with a relatively modest matching error rate of 15%. The key
takeaway is that despite the statistical power gains from covariate adjustment, matching
error remains a concern for experiments with marginally palatable Type II error rates.
4.3.2 Treatment Heterogeneity
A final issue which is worth discussing concerns the task of testing for treatment het-
erogeneity in an experiment. Naturally tests for treatment heterogeneity will always be
underpowered relative to tests for the average treatment effect. How though will these tests
be affected by the presence of matching errors? We extend the setup in (4.3.1) and consider
a researcher who is interested in testing whether the effect of treatment differs according
to a dichotomous covariate, G which, to be concrete, we will assume is gender. In order to
The parameter r captures the strength of the relationship between X and y
. Therefore, as r increases in
magnitude, statistical power increases, both in the absence and the presence of matching errors. However, the
relative gain statistical power is slightly larger when we do not condition on X. Across the parameterizations
we examine, in the absence of a covariate, the average loss of power under matching errors is 8.4%. When r
= 0.1, the loss of power is 8.8% when X is conditioned on. When r = 0.3, the average loss of power under
matching errors is 11.9% when X is conditioned on. Hence while a larger r is uniformly power enhancing, it
does mean that controlling for a covariate will be slightly less helpful in maximizing statistical power than
it otherwise would be.
determine whether the effect of treatment is different for men and women, the researcher
will specify the following regression model:
= α + τ T
+ πG
+ ρT
+ ε
Letting G = 1 denote the male group, in this model the treatment effect for men will be
τ + ρ and the treatment effect for women will be simply τ. Hence ρ represents the difference
in treatment effects between men and women.
In the presence of matching errors, when estimating (13), τ will be incorrectly estimated.
However, the extent to which matching errors affect the estimate of ρ depends on whether
the matching errors are orthogonal to G. In the case in which men and women are equally
likely to be incorrectly linked, the estimate of ρ will be unbiased; the estimate of the average
treatment effect for men and women will be attenuated by an equal amount. However, if
the groups have different error rates in the match, then the estimate of ρ will be biased.
This is likely to be a common problem. In the case of men and women, a number of papers
indicate that link rates are expected to be lower for women than for men because women
often change their names upon getting married (Bohensky et al., 2010; Maizlish and Herrera,
2005). The capacity to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects is called into question if
match rates differ by the category in question.
In the event that matching errors vary by group, the estimate of ρ will be biased upward
in the case that the G=1 group has more matching errors and will be biased downward
when the G=0 group has more matching errors. Thus, while matching errors are guaranteed
to lead to an attenuated estimate of the overall average treatment effect, when the matching
errors vary by group, the direction of the bias in tests for treatment heterogeneity will be
ambiguous and will depend on the group specific matching error rates.
5 Empirical Example
Having established that matching errors can lead to a considerable number of Type II errors
in empirical applications, we next consider how to mitigate this problem. In Section 3, we
established that it is the sum of false positive and false negative error rates (rather than
either the false positive or false negative match rates individually) that controls the degree of
attenuation of parameter estimates and therefore, statistical power. While “exact matching”
will reduce the number of false positive links, it will, in general, not minimize the sum of
false positive and false negative error rates since the number of false negative links grows
because of the stringency of the matching criteria. There is, therefore, promise in testing
the performance of more flexible matching strategies as an alternative to exact matching.
In this section, we show how a machine learning approach for probabilistic matching
can reduce the likelihood of Type II errors. There are two primary reasons to augment
traditional probabilistic matching techniques with machine learning methods. First, we deal
with a large dataset of over one million records. Probabilistic techniques involve computing
similarity metrics across a number of identifying characteristics such as name and date of
birth. It becomes prohibitively, computationally expensive to perform these calculations
for each potential record pair as the dataset size grows. Ideally, we would only perform
these computations for records for which we had some prior belief referred to the same
person. Techniques such as approximate nearest neighbors allow for fast detection of likely
matches that drastically reduce the number of comparisons that need to be made in the
linking process.
Second, the adaptivity of machine learning models for learning non-
linear functions and the practice of assessing performance on out-of-sample data lead to
predictive accuracy that outperforms linear models such as logistic regression. While not
limited to machine learning approaches, we augment our algorithm below by explicitly
having it minimize the right objective function for reducing the attenuation bias. The end
result is that we can trade off false positive and false negative matches to minimize the
attenuation due to matching error.
In order to explore the potential gains from probabilistic matching with machine learn-
ing, we need an empirical example. The reason for this is that while we can solve for the
bias that accrues from a given error rate, sample size and effect size, the extent to which we
can reduce bias via a given matching strategy requires empirical data names, dates of
birth and addresses, etc. which can be used to generate candidate matches. With empirical
data and a simulated randomized experiment in which a ground truth treatment effect is
known, we can compare bias under exact matching and probabilistic matching with ma-
chine learning. We can therefore assess the extent to which probabilistic matching reduces
bias relative to exact matching for a given sample size and effect size.
Although, Lahiri and Larsen (2005) show that a fully saturated matrix of comparisons yields the most
accurate probabilistic matching result, it has become increasingly common to observe matching cases that
render an unblocked linking procedure intractable.
We pause here to describe what the ideal empirical application will look like, noting that
the perfect application is not easily found. We will need two datasets: an “input” dataset
which contains information on a universe of research subjects including their treatment
indicators (our experimental dataset, E) and an “outcome” dataset with the universe of
candidate matches and their outcomes (our administrative dataset, D). The ideal appli-
cation must contain individually identified data that can be used to generate candidate
matches and should contain a “ground truth” identifier that allows us to estimate a ground
truth treatment effect in the absence of matching errors. We have identified empirical data
on individuals from the State of Oregon that meet each of these criteria (Hansen and Wad-
dell, 2018). We use the data to assign a placebo treatment indicator in order to simulate a
randomized experiment. Since we have a ground truth unique identifier and a known data
generating process, we can understand the consequences of using either exact matching or
probabilistic matching on our estimates.
5.1 Empirical Simulation
For this study we use identified administrative records on 3 million charges filed in Oregon
courts during the 1990-2012 window, maintained in the Oregon Judicial Information Net-
work (OJIN). These data have been used previously to show how legal access to alcohol
affects criminality. Hansen and Waddell (2018) measured recidivism by recording whether
individuals appeared in dataset multiple times using exact matching. The individual records
in the OJIN data contain the following relevant variables: name, date of birth, race, incident
date, and a unique identification number that links the same individuals across rows in the
In order to simulate the linking scenario described above, we first randomly sample 80%
of the data as input training data for our matching algorithm. These data represent our
administrative dataset, which we refer to as D. The remaining records are split equally
between a sample of records which we will use to optimize our matching algorithm, referred
to as E
, and a holdout sample from which we will derive our error rates for the algorithm,
. While D is at the record level, meaning a person can appear multiple times, we convert
There are situations where the two rows in the dataset will match on all relevant variables save for the
unique identifier. As it is ambiguous whether these rows refer to different individuals or if there is an error
in the unique identifier, we drop these records from the empirical simulation. This reduces the number of
records to about one million.
both E
and E
to be at the person level by dropping duplicate rows with the same unique
identifier. Our algorithm works by identifying instances in the training data where two
records are known to either refer to, or not refer to, the same person. We then compute
similarity measures a between these known pairs for the following fields: first name, last
name, date of birth, race, and indictment date. A random forest model Breiman (2001)
run on these data produces probabilities for whether two records refer to the same person.
Further details of the algorithm appear in Jelveh and McNeill (2018). We use a cutoff
threshold p
and we consider record pairs with predicted probabilities above p
to be links.
Recall that our objective is to minimize the quantity 1 (F P R + F N R) and that it
is computed at the individual level, not the record level. Additionally, our measure of false
positives is a function of whether a link was made to the administrative data, not that
correct links are made at the individual level. Therefore, with E
we simulate the scenario
we have described in this paper. To do so, for each person in E
, we generate probabilities
for whether they are linked to individuals in D. We then estimate our objective for a range
of values for p
and choose the one that minimizes 1 (F P R + F N R). To estimate out-
of-sample error rates, we then predict links between E
and D using the optimal p
report false positive and false negatives rates.
Table 1 compares the performance of the machine learning algorithm against exact
matching by name and date of birth when linking E
to D. As expected, the true positive
rate for exact matching is lower than that achieved by probabilistic matching. On the
other hand, exact matching is significantly more likely to introduce false negatives. Most
importantly, as Table 1 shows, we substantially reduce sum of false positive and false
negative error rates by using a machine-learning strategy.
5.2 Empirical Simulation Results
To simulate matching error bias we follow the same procedure as in Section 4, this time
using actual linkage rates from exact and machine learning matching of our empirical data.
We explore the comparative performance of exact matching versus probabilistic matching
in Figure 3 which plots, for a given ¯y
, τ and n combination, the share of linking errors
in the empirical data that are abated by using probabilistic matching as opposed to exact
matching. For example, referring to the figure, when ¯y
= 0.5, τ = 15% and n = 500,
nearly 60 percent of linking errors that exist under exact matching are overturned when
we deploy a probabilistic matching algorithm. Across all parameterizations, probabilistic
matching with machine learning typically overturns half of the errors that exist under
exact matching. While our example here is limited to the performance of one probabilistic
algorithm, given our analytic results, we expect that the gains from using probabilistic
matching techniques will by and large outperform the stringency of “exact matching.”
6 Conclusion
We have shown that matching errors, even when introduced at random, have consequences
for our evidence base in empirical social science in particular, by creating potentially
enormous challenges for developing evidence from randomized experiments, which remain
the gold standard for generating causal inferences about the social world. Our reading of
the prior literature is that scholars sometimes favor stringent matching criteria (i.e., exact
matching) in an effort to minimize false positive matches with the goal of generating an
analytic dataset with as few errors as possible. However, a key insight from this research is
that the the sum of false positive and false negative error rates is the parameter that drives
the attenuation bias from matching errors, which means that stringent matching criteria
will increase, rather than minimize matching error bias. This is because while stringent
criteria minimize false positive matches, they substantially increase false negative matches.
As matching error affects coefficient estimates, there are descriptive as well as inferential
In the presence of matching errors, for any sample size, coefficients will be underesti-
mated, with degree of attenuation being proportional to the error rate in the match.
attenuation is unwelcome, matching errors have far more destructive consequences for sta-
tistical inference. This is because researchers who plan randomized experiments rarely have
more statistical power than they need to detect an effect. The result is that a small degree
of attenuation can easily make an effect size that was thought a priori to be detectable,
undetectable. As we show, this problem can be especially severe in experiments with small
samples or with larger samples and small effect sizes. Taken study by study, this issue might
be dismissed as trivial, but because studies with “null results” are plausibly less likely to
be submitted and accepted for publication, as “low-cost randomized trials” gain traction,
It is worthwhile to note that the descriptive consequences of matching error cannot be resolved by
increasing sample size.
this problem stands to erode the quality of the social scientific evidence base perhaps
substantially. While our analytical results apply specifically to randomized control trials,
similar patterns could also emerge for quasi-experimental settings. Likewise, although we
specifically focus on binary outcomes, continuous variables measuring outcomes like pro-
gram utilization, earnings, or duration could all suffer from similar problems when derived
from administrative data. In fact, it might even be more problematic if the lack of a match
is a recorded as a zero, a common mass point in those types of continuous variables.
On an optimistic note, we find that probabilistic matching via machine learning algo-
rithms vastly outperforms exact matching and, in fact, in many scenarios approximates
a zero error scenario. We argue that these results provide compelling evidence that ex-
act matching should be abandoned in favor of probabilistic matching and that applied
researchers should pay greater attention to the way in which data linking is done more
A Computational Details
In this appendix we provide additional details for how statistical power can be computed
under two possible states of the world: 1) in the absence of matching errors and 2) in
the presence of matching errors. We use the derivations in this appendix to empirically
demonstrate the effect of matching errors on statistical power in a hypothetical experiment
in Section 5 of the paper.
We motivate the derivation by introducing a framework a confusion matrix that
governs the incidence of matching errors in a generic dataset. Each row of the confusion
matrix represents the incidence of an actual class while each column represents the instances
in a predicted class. The matrix thus allows an analyst to understand the extent to which
the algorithm is successful in classifying observations. In our context, we use a confusion
matrix to see how a matching algorithm has performed in correctly determining the presence
of an individual in a dataset.
In the following confusion matrix, y
represents the true state of the world and y repre-
sents the observed state of the world after matching. The cells provide counts of the number
of true negatives, false negatives, false positives and true positives, respectively in linking
the data.
True state of the world
= 0 y
= 1
y = 0 T N F N
y = 1 F P T P
The diagonal entries of the matrix correspond to an alignment of the true and observed
states of the world — observations for which y
= y = 0 are true negatives and observations
for which y
= y = 1 are true positives. The off-diagonal entries provide us with the number
of matching errors. In particular, the 2,1 element of the matrix provides the number of false
positive matches this is the number of times in which an observation which is truly y
= 1 is mistakenly linked to y = 0.
Similarly, the 1,2 element of the matrix provides the
For consistency, we describe this as a mistaken link, when in practice, it is often the case that these
records would be non-links that are then assumed to have the value y = 0.
number of false negative matches where an observation that is truly y
= 0 is mistakenly
linked to a record for which y = 1.
The table allows us to compute several quantities that are instrumental in deriving the
impact of matching errors on statistical power. We begin by noting that the matrix allows
us to compute four different rates which allow us to measure the success of a given linking
T P R =
T P + F N
T NR =
T N + F P
F P R = 1 T N R
F NR = 1 T P R
The true positive rate (T P R) is defined as the number of linked positives divided by the
number of true positives (T P +F N). Likewise the true negative rate (T N R) is the number
of linked negatives divided by the number of true negatives (T N+F P ). The corresponding
false positive and false negative match rates are obtained by subtracting each of these
quantities from 1. As we show in Section 3 of the paper, estimated treatment effects will
be attenuated under matching errors and the attenuation will be proportional to 1-F P R-
F NR. So long as F P R+F N R < 1, this will be strict attenuation towards zero but if
F P R+F NR exceeds 1 then there can be a change in the sign of the bias.
Overall, there are T P + F N actual failures and T P + F P observed failures. This
aspect of the table motivates our first step in deriving a statistical power computation. In
particular, we can write down an expression for the number of failures in the control group
in the absence and presence of matching errors as follows:
T =0
= (T P + F N) × (1 p)
T =0
= (T P + F P ) × (1 p)
T =0
is the true number of failures in the control group and y
T =0
is the observed number
of failures where p is the proportion of the sample that receives the treatment.
Next, we consider how many successes there will be in the treatment group, with and
without matching errors. In order to compute these quantities we introduce a treatment
effect, τ which, for simplicity, is expressed in percent (rather than percentage point) terms.
For our purposes, τ will be negative but this choice is trivial. The number of failures in the
treatment group will then be given by:
T =1
= (T P + F N)(1 τ ) × p
T =1
= (T P + F P )
1 [τ (1 F P R F NR)]
× p
In the absence of matching errors, the number of observed failures will be equal to the
number of actual failures in the data multiplied by the proportion treated and one minus the
treatment effect. When matching errors are present, the treatment effect will be multiplied
by 1 F P R F N R to account for attenuation.
To appreciate how this works, consider a dataset of size N = 900, fix P = 0.5 and
τ = 0.1 (10%) and use the following confusion matrix:
= 0 y
= 1
y = 0 T N =280 F N =100
y = 1 F P =20 T P =500
In this dataset, the FPR = 1
= 0.167 and the FNR = 1
= 0.067.
Accordingly, we will have the following numbers of failures in the treatment and control
groups in each of our two states of the world:
T =0
= (T P + F N) × (1 p) = 300
T =1
= (T P + F N)(1 τ ) × p = 270
T =0
= (T P + F P ) × (1 p) = 260
T =1
= (T P + F P )
1 [τ (1 F P R F NR)]
× p = 240
In the true state of the world, there are 300 failures in the control group and 270 in the
treatment group, reflecting the fact that τ = 0.1. With matching errors, the observed
number of failures in the control group is 260 and in the treatment group is 240. The
observed treatment effect is smaller than 10%.
In order to compute statistical power to detect a given potential treatment effect, we
need to compute a standard error which is computed according to:
var(ˆτ ) =
p(1 p)
The square root of this quantity is the standard error around the estimated treatment effect.
N and p are simply the sample size and the proportion treated but we will need to compute
which is the mean square error from a regression of either y
or y on D, depending on
which state of the world we are in. We show how to compute σ
in absence and presence
of matching errors in Appendix B.
We can then compute statistical power according to:
β = Φ
Carrying through the numerical example from our confusion table, power to detect a treat-
ment effect of 10% in these data are 90 percent in the true state of the world and just 67
percent in the state of the world with matching errors. What would have been an exceed-
ingly well-powered experiment is no longer well-powered in the presence of modest matching
B Deriving Outcome Variance
In this section we show how to compute the residual sum of squares with a binary outcome
and binary treatment in order to compute the σ
. Let ¯y
equal the control group mean and
τ the treatment effect:
τ T
We can decompose the above equation into four mutually exclusive groups determined
by whether an individual is in the treatment or control group, and whether their associated
outcome is y = 0 or y = 1.
(1 ¯y
τ )
(1 ¯y
τ )
= n
+ n
+ n
+ n
+ n
+ n
= n
+ n
+ n
+ n
= n
+ n
+ n
+ n
= n
+ 1 2¯y
) + n
+ 1 2¯y
= n
(1 ¯y
) + n
(1 ¯y
C Maximizing RSS
We now show why Equation 10 is maximized when the control group mean, ¯y
, plus the
treatment effect, τ, equal 0.5. Let N
equal the number of individuals in the treatment
group with y = 1 and N
equal the number of individuals in the treatment group with
y = 0. Note that N
= (¯y
+ τ )N
and N
= N
(1 (¯y
+ τ )).
+ τ T
For a given control group mean we will take derivatives with respect to τ , which means
we will only consider individuals in the treatment group. We can decompose the previous
equation into:
= N
τ )
+ N
(1 ¯y
τ )
= N
(1 (¯y
+ τ ))(¯y
τ )
+ N
+ τ )(1 ¯y
τ )
= N
(1 ¯y
τ )(¯y
+ τ )
+ N
+ τ )(1 ¯y
τ )
= N
(1 ¯y
τ )(¯y
+ τ )(¯y
+ τ + 1 α τ)
= N
(1 ¯y
τ )(¯y
+ τ )
Let κ(τ ) = N
(1 ¯y
τ )(¯y
+ τ ), then taking derivatives with respect to τ :
= N
2τ )
Setting the previous equation to zero and solving for τ leads to
+ τ = 0.5
D Proof for Power Attenuation
In this section we show that even when the standard error estimated under matching error
is smaller than the standard error estimated under no error, statistical power will still be
larger for the latter scenario. Let κ be True Positive Rate and ω be the False Positive Rate.
(κ ω)τ
> (κ ω)σ
(κ ω)σ
> 0
We can replace σ
and σ
with just the residual sum of squares components since all
other terms in their respective computations cancel out. Here N
represents the number
of observations for which the true value of y, y
= 1 and N
represents the number of
observations for which the true value of y, y
= 0. This allows us to write the last inequality
above as
(κ N
+ ω N
κ N
+ ω N
(κ ω)N
> 0
(κ N
+ ω N
(1 κ)N
+ (1 ω)N
+ N
(κ ω)
+ N
> 0
κ(1 κ)N
+ ω(1 ω)N
+ N
2ω(1 κ) > 0
All terms in the last inequality are greater than zero, satisfying the condition.
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Figure 1: Matching Error and Type II Error Rates By Outcome Density and Treatment
Effect Size
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 30%, Effect Size = 15%
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 50%, Effect Size = 15%
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 30%, Effect Size= 25%
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 50%, Effect Size= 25%
Note: Figures plot the Type II error rate (β) as a function of the total matching error
rate for a given hypothesized effect size and control mean. In each plot, Type II error rates
are plotted for sample sizes that range from N = 500 to N = 3,000.
Figure 2: Matching Error and Type II Error Rates w/ Covariate Adjustment By Outcome
Density and Treatment Effect Size
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 30%, Effect Size = 15%
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 50%, Effect Size = 15%
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 30%, Effect Size= 25%
0 10 20 30
Type II Error
Control Mean = 50%, Effect Size= 25%
Note: Figures plot the Type II error rate (β) as a function of the total matching error
rate for a given hypothesized effect size, control mean, and correlated covariate. In each
plot, Type II error rates are plotted for sample sizes that range from N = 500 to N =
Figure 3: Percent of Exact Matching Errors Overturned
Sample Size
Share Fixed
Control Mean,
Treatment Effect
30, 15
30, 25
50, 15
50, 25
Note: Figures plot the share of errors under exact matching that are overturned when
a probabilistic matching algorithm is employed. Each panel represents a different control
mean and treatment effect combination.
Table 1: Performance metrics across matching schemes
Exact Matching Probabilistic Matching
False Negative Rate 14.0% 0.8%
False Positive Rate 0.0% 6.2%
F NR + F P R Rate 14.0% 7.0%
Note: Average error rates from empirical matches of OJIN data.