BNA Policy and Practice Series
Glossary of Action Verbs
The following compilation of action verbs is intended as a guide to common verbs used
in writing job descriptions.
Act To exert one’s powers in such a way as to bring about an effect; to carry out a
Add To affix or attach; to perform mathematical addition of figures.
Administer To manage or direct the application or execution of; to administrate.
Adopt To take and apply or put into practice; to accept, as a report.
Advise To give advice to; to recommend a course of action (not simply to tell or
Affirm To confirm or ratify.
Align To arrange or form in a line.
Amend To change or modify.
Analyze To study the factors of a situation or problem in order to determine the
solution or outcome. Factors studied should be unrelated and then from this
information individual makes a decision. To study various unrelated facts to
arrive at a conclusion.
Anticipate To foresee events, trends, consequences, or problems.
Apply To adjust or direct; to put in use, as a rule.
Appraise To evaluate as to quality, status, effectiveness.
Approve To sanction officially; to accept as satisfactory; to ratify (thereby assuming
responsibility for). Used only when individual has final authority.
Arrange To place in proper order.
Ascertain To find out or learn for a certainty.
Assemble To collect or gather together in a predetermined order; to fit together the
parts of.
Assign To fix, specify or delegate. Legally, to transfer or make over to another.
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BNA Policy and Practice Series
Assist To lend aid; to help; to give support to.
Assume To take to or upon oneself; to undertake.
Assure To confirm; to make certain of; to state confidently.
Attach To bind, fasten, tie or connect.
Attend To be present for the purpose of making a contribution.
Audit To make a final and official examination of accounts.
Authorize To empower; to permit; to establish by authority.
Balance To arrange or prove so that the sum of one group equals the sum of another.
Batch To group into a quantity for one operation.
Calculate To ascertain by computation.
Cancel To strike out or cross out.
Carry To convey through the use of the hands.
Center To place or fix in or at the center; to collect to a point.
Chart To draw or exhibit in a chart or graph.
Check To examine; to compare for verification.
Circulate To disseminate; to distribute in accordance with a plan.
Classify To separate into groups having systematic relations.
Clear To obtain the concurrence, dissent or agreement of other officers prior to
Clear (office equipment) to renew a previous accumulation of figures.
Close To end or terminate.
Code To transpose words or figures into symbols or characters (letters or numbers).
Collaborate To work or act jointly with others.
Collate To bring together in a predetermined order.
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BNA Policy and Practice Series
Collect To gather facts or data; to assemble; to accumulate.
Compile To collect into a volume; to compose out of material from other documents.
Compose To make up; to fashion; to arrange.
Compute To determine or calculate mathematically.
Consolidate To combine into a single whole.
Construct To set in order mentally, to arrange.
Control To exercise, directly, guiding or restraining power over.
Cooperate To act or operate jointly with others; to collaborate.
Coordinate To bring into common action, condition, etc.
Copy To make a copy or copies of; to transfer or reproduce information.
Correct To rectify; to make right.
Correlate To establish a mutual or reciprocal relation.
Cross-off To line out, to strike out.
Cross out To eliminate by lining out.
Date stamp To note the date by stamping.
Delegate To entrust to the care or management of another.
Delete To erase, to remove.
Determine To fix conclusively or authoritatively; to decide; to make a decision.
Develop To evolve; to make apparent; to bring to light; to make more available or
Direct To regulate the activities or course of; to govern or control; to give guidance to.
Discuss To exchange views for the purpose of arriving at a conclusion.
Disassemble To take apart.
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BNA Policy and Practice Series
Disseminate To spread information or ideas.
Distribute To divide or separate into classes; to pass around; to allot.
Divide To separate into classes or parts, subject to mathematical division.
Draft To write or compose papers or documents in rough, preliminary, or final form,
often for clearance and approval by others.
Edit To revise and prepare as for publication.
Effectively recommend To initiate an action or procedure, subject only to the routine or
administrative control of some other person.
Establish To set up; to institute; to place on a firm basis.
Evaluate To appraise; to ascertain the value of.
Examine To investigate; to scrutinize; to subject to inquiry by inspection or test.
Execute To give effect; to follow through to the end; to complete.
Exercise To bring to bear or employ actively, as authority or influence.
Expedite To hasten the movement or progress of; to remove obstacles; to accelerate.
Extract To draw forth; to withdraw; to separate; to determine by calculation.
Facilitate To make easy or less difficult.
Feed To supply material to a machine.
Figure To compute.
File To lay away papers, etc., arranged in a methodical manner.
Fill in To enter information on a form.
Find To locate by search.
Flag To mark in some distinctive manner.
Follow-up To check the progress of; to see if results are satisfactory.
Formulate To put into a systemized statement; to develop or devise a plan or policy, or
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Furnish To provide, supply, or give.
Gather To collect; to harvest; to accumulate and place in order.
Implement To carry out; to perform acts essential to the execution of a plan or program;
to give effect to.
Inform To instruct; to communicate knowledge of.
Initiate To originate; to begin; to introduce for the first time, as a plan, policy, or
Insert To put or thrust in; to introduce as a word in a sentence.
Inspect To examine carefully and critically.
Instruct To impart knowledge to; to supply direction to.
Interpret To explain the meaning of; to translate; to elucidate.
Interview To question in order to obtain facts or opinions.
Inventory To count and make a list of items.
Investigate To inquire into systematically.
Issue To distribute formally.
Itemize To state in terms or by particulars; to set or note down in detail.
Line To cover the inside surface; to rule.
List To itemize.
Locate To search for and find; to position.
Maintain To hold or keep in any condition; to keep up to date or current, as records.
Make To cause something to assume a designated condition.
Manage To control and direct; to guide; to administer.
Measure To determine length or quantity of.
Merge To combine.
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BNA Policy and Practice Series
Mix To unite or belong into one group or mass.
Multiply To perform the operation of multiplication.
Note To observe, notice, heed.
Notify To give notice to; to inform.
Obtain To gain possession of; to acquire.
Observe To perceive or notice; to watch.
Open To enter upon; to spread out; to make accessible.
Operate To conduct or perform activity.
Organize To arrange interdependent parts; to systemize.
Originate To produce as new.
Outline To make a summary of the significant features of a subject.
Participate To take part in.
Perform To carry on to a finish; to accomplish; to execute.
Plan To devise or project a method or a course of action.
Post To transfer or carry information from one record to another.
Prepare To make ready for a particular purpose.
Process To subject to some special treatment; to handle in accordance with prescribed
Program- To make a plan or procedure.
Propose To offer for consideration or adoption.
Provide To supply for use; to furnish; to take precautionary methods in view of a
possible need.
Purchase To buy or procure.
Rate To appraise or assess; to settle the rank or quality.
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BNA Policy and Practice Series
Receive To take, as something that is offered.
Recommend To suggest courses of action or procedures to other persons who have the
primary responsibility for adopting and carrying out the actions or procedures
Reconstruct To construct again; to restore.
Record To register; to make a record of.
Refer To direct attention; to make reference, as in referring to record.
Register To enter in a record; to list.
Release To permit the publication or dissemination of information at a specified date
but not before.
Remit To transfer or send, as money in payment.
Render To furnish or contribute.
Represent To take the place of.
Request To ask for something.
Require To demand; to insist upon.
Requisition To make a request for something, usually records or supplies.
Report To furnish information or data.
Research To inquire specifically, using involved and critical investigation.
Review To go over or examine deliberately or critically, usually with a view to
approval or dissent; to analyze results for the purpose of giving an opinion.
Revise To make a new, improved, or up-to-date version of.
Route To prearrange and direct locations to which an article is to be sent.
Scan To examine point by point; to scrutinize.
Schedule To plan a time table; to set specific times for.
Screen To examine closely, generally so as to separate one group or class form another.
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BNA Policy and Practice Series
Search To look over and through for the purpose of finding something.
Secure To get possession of; to obtain.
See To make certain of; to learn through observation.
Select To choose from a number of others of similar kind.
Separate To set apart from others for a special use; to keep apart.
Sign To affix a signature to.
Sort To put in a definite place or rank according to kind, class, etc.
Stack To pile up.
Stimulate To excite, rouse, or spur on.
Study To consider attentively; to ponder or fix the mind closely upon a subject.
Submit To present, for decision, information for judgement of others.
Sub-total To take interim total.
Subtract To deduct one number from another.
Summarize To make an abstract; to brief.
Supervise To oversee for directions; to inspect with authority; to guide and instruct with
immediate respons ibility for purpose to performance; to superintend; to lead.
Types of supervision include:
Direct Supervision Involves guidance and direction over individuals who report to
and are directly responsible to the supervisor. Includes supervision of work, training,
and personnel functions.
Close Supervision Individual does not use own initiative. Is instructed by supervisor
as to the solution and selection of the proper procedures to follow.
Limited Supervision Individual proceeds on his own initiative in compliance with
policies, practices, and procedures prescribed by his immediate supervisor.
General Supervision Involves guidance and direction actually carried out by the
immediate supervisor.
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BNA Policy and Practice Series
(5) Supervision of Work Includes: work distribution, scheduling, training, answering of
questions related to work, assists in solving problems, etc. Does not include any
personnel functions such as: salaries, discipline, promotions, etc.
(6) Training Responsibility Involves advice, information, and guidance on specialized
matters, involves no authority. Gives instruction in regard to procedures.
Survey To determine the form, extent, position, etc., of a situation, usually in
connection with gathering of information.
Tabulate To form into a table by listing; to make a listing.
Test To put to proof; to examine, observe, or evaluate critically.
Trace To record the transfer of an application or document; to copy, as a drawing.
Train To increase skill or knowledge by capable instruction, usually in relation to a pre-
determined standard.
Transcribe To make a typewritten copy from shorthand notes or a dictated record; to
write a copy of.
Transpose To transfer; to change the usual place or order.
Type To typewrite.
Underline To emphasize or identify by drawing a line under the characters or subject.
Verify To prove to be true or accurate; to confirm or substantiate; to test or check the
accuracy of.
Write To form characters, letters, or words with pen or pencil; to fill in, as a check or
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