No matter your industry or job title, you probably have experienced frustrating data-related slowdowns. You may use multiple platforms for data
gathering and analysis, and you probably need to wait on others to get the information you need to be successful. Or, your stakeholders may be
overloaded and may not know what data is most important.
Minitab can help. With Minitab Connect, automated reports and instant alerts are right at your ngertips. Connect can rectify some of the most
frustrating data-related problems you face daily.
Current State:
Every day, week or month you run the same analysis. You collect data
from one place, analyze it in another and then build a report in yet another
application. The time you spend repeating the same process could be spent
improving it or on solving new, different problems.
Minitab’s Solution:
Connect enables you to automate your analysis and reporting. Regardless of if you
are manually collecting data, getting data from a database or receiving data in a
spreadsheet or CSV le, Connect allows you to automatically compile, prepare and analyze that data. Dashboards can be viewed and shared and
you won’t need to waste your time creating slides or reports. Next time you receive information, instead of manually analyzing, you can use your
newfound free time to take actions from the automated insights you’re receiving from Connect.
Current State:
You spend too much time waiting on IT to get your data. Progress is delayed
by days— if not weeks— while waiting to get access to critical information.
Minitab’s Solution:
Connect makes data accessible for everyone. You can easily alleviate your
interdepartmental team bottlenecks. Unlike before, with Connect you will have instant
access to all your pertinent information. Teams will no longer need to wait on other
teams or departments to deliver data to them— our cloud-based infrastructure ensures
that everything will be current in Connect.
After you get set up with Connect, you can easily get the information that you need right away without having to wait, freeing up hours of work for
ideation, research, and other important tasks and projects.
Minitab Connect
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Minitab Connect
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Current State:
It takes you a signicant amount of time to identify red ags and catch errors
in your processes— and some are missed until it’s too late.
Minitab’s Solution:
Connect contains powerful statistical and analytical tools designed to identify problems
and alert you quickly so you can remain focused on critical work and keep your
processes on track. Not only will you be able to work faster, but you will also be able to
accurately turn your attention to the most pressing issues at hand. You will be notied
instantly if something is amiss or if your processes become unstable. Nobody has
time to analyze every piece of collected data, so instead of focusing on all your data,
immediately see if a single point requires your immediate attention.
Connect will help to direct your attention to the most critical outliers. Free up your time to focus on more pressing issues, and squash small
problems before they become major complications.
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