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as of July __, 2011 (the “Effective Date”) by and between Gilead Sciences, Inc. a
Delaware corporation having its principal place of business at 333 Lakeside Drive, Foster
City, California 94404, USA (“Gilead”), and _________________________ a company
registered under the laws of India, and having a registered office at
________________________________________, India (“Licensee”), and amends and
restates in its entirety the License Agreement dated ____________ between Gilead and
Licensee, as previously amended (the “TDF License Agreement”).
HEREAS, Gilead wishes to facilitate access to its antiviral agents to patients in the
developing world to help satisfy unmet medical needs;
HEREAS, to accomplish this goal, Gilead granted Licensee a non-exclusive
license to manufacture Gilead’s proprietary agent TDF in India and sell such agent in India
and elsewhere in the developing world pursuant to the TDF License Agreement;
HEREAS, Gilead wishes to expand the scope of the TDF License Agreement to
expand the licensed Territory and grant Licensee non-exclusive rights to Gilead’s
proprietary agents elvitegravir and cobicistat, and including rights in Gilead’s proprietary
fixed-dose single-tablet regimen referred to as the “Quad”, as specifically provided herein;
HEREAS, Licensee wishes to manufacture TDF, elvitegravir and cobicistat in
India and sell products containing such agents in the Territory to help achieve the goal set
forth above;
OW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein and
other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto mutually agree to amend and restate the TDF License Agreement in its
entirety, as follows:
1. Definitions
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient” or “API” shall mean one or more of the
following active pharmaceutical ingredients: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (“TDF”);
elvitegravir (“EVG”), and cobicistat (“COBI”).
Alternate Dosage” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.2(d).
COBI Combination Product” shall mean a formulated and finished
pharmaceutical product containing COBI in combination with any other active
pharmaceutical ingredient other than EVG, including combinations containing COBI
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together with TDF provided such combination does not also contain EVG (in each case
subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 2.4(c)(ii)), including any co-formulation,
co-packaged product, bundled product, or other type of combination product. For clarity,
the Quad is not a COBI Combination Product.
“COBI Product” shall mean a formulated and finished pharmaceutical product
containing COBI as its sole active pharmaceutical ingredient.
COBI Territory” shall mean those countries listed on Appendix 5.
Combination Products” shall mean COBI Combination Products, EVG
Combination Products, TDF Combination Products, and the Quad.
Confidential Information” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.
Distributor” shall mean a third party wholesaler or distributor that is not a Gilead
Distributor and that is operating under an agreement with Licensee for the distribution and
sale of Product in the Territory.
Emtricitabine Patents” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.6.
EVG Combination Product” shall mean a formulated and finished
pharmaceutical product containing EVG in combination with any other active
pharmaceutical ingredient (in each case subject to the restrictions set forth in Section
2.4(c)(iii)), including any co-formulation, co-packaged product, bundled product, or other
type of combination product, but not including the Quad.
“EVG Product” shall mean a formulated and finished pharmaceutical product
containing EVG as its sole active pharmaceutical ingredient.
EVG-Quad Territory” shall mean those countries listed on Appendix 6.
FDAshall mean the United States Food and Drug Administration, and any
successor agency thereto.
Field” shall mean the treatment and prophylaxis of HIV infection, provided,
however, that (a) for Product containing TDF as its sole active pharmaceutical ingredient,
the Field shall include the treatment and prophylaxis of Hepatitis B Virus infection, and (b)
for Product containing EVG or COBI, the Field shall include any use that is consistent with
the label approved by the FDA or applicable foreign regulatory authority for the use of
such Product containing EVG or COBI.
Gilead Distributor” shall mean any third party distributor that is operating under
an agreement with Gilead for the distribution and sale of Gilead’s branded product in the
Territory. Gilead will provide Licensee with a list, which may be updated by Gilead from
time to time, of the identity of the Gilead Distributors and their licensed territories.
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Gilead Mark” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.5(b).
Gilead Supplier” shall mean PharmaChem Technologies (Grand Bahama), Ltd.
Improvements” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3.
Japan Tobacco” shall mean Japan Tobacco Inc., a Japanese corporation, and its
Japan Tobacco Agreement” shall mean the License Agreement between Gilead
and Japan Tobacco dated March 22, 2005, as amended from time to time.
JT Mark” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.5(b).
Licensed API” shall mean API that is either (a) made by Licensee pursuant to the
license grant in Section 2.1; or (b) acquired by Licensee from a Gilead Supplier or from a
Licensed API Supplier on the terms and conditions set forth in Section 3.
Licensed API Supplier” shall mean an entity (other than Licensee) that is
licensed by Gilead to manufacture and sell API to third parties in the Field in India.
Licensed Know-How” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.5.
Licensed Product Supplier” shall mean an entity (other than Licensee) located in
India that is licensed by Gilead to make, use, sell, have sold, offer for sale and export
Product in the Field in the Territory.
Licensed Technology” shall mean the Patents and the Licensed Know-How.
Minimum Quality Standards” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.2(a).
NCE Exclusivity” shall mean five years of marketing exclusivity granted by FDA
pursuant to its authority under 21 U.S.C. §§ 355(c)(3)(E)(ii) and 355(j)(5)(F)(ii).
Net Sales” shall mean, with respect to a given calendar quarter, the total amount
invoiced by Licensee for sales of Product in the Territory, less landed cost (including
freight, insurance, packing, shipping and custom duty) of imported components,
VAT/Indian excise tax, sales tax, packing for shipment and shipping costs actually
incurred, to the extent consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as
consistently applied across all products of Licensee. In no event shall the total deductions
allowed exceed ten percent (10%) of the total amount invoiced by Licensee without
Licensee providing Gilead with supporting documentation justifying such excess and
obtaining Gilead’s written consent, not to be unreasonably withheld. Net Sales on
Combination Products shall be calculated based on the portion of product Net Sales
attributable to Licensed API, as set forth in Section 4.2.
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Patents” shall mean the patents described in Appendix 2 hereto and any other
patents and patent applications (and resulting patents therefrom) (a) owned by Gilead
during the term of this Agreement, or (b) exclusively licensed by Gilead from Japan
Tobacco pursuant to the Japan Tobacco Agreement, in each case solely to the extent
necessary for Licensee to practice the licenses granted in Section 2 hereof, and solely to the
extent the claims in such patents and patent applications cover the manufacture, use or sale
of API.
Pediatric Formulation” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.2(e).
Product” shall mean COBI Product, EVG Product, TDF Product, COBI
Combination Product, EVG Combination Product, TDF Combination Product, and the
Quad” or “the Quad” shall mean the finished pharmaceutical product containing
TDF (300 mg), emtricitabine (200 mg), EVG and COBI (each at their dose concentration
approved by the FDA or applicable regulatory authority) as its only active pharmaceutical
ingredients, and that is manufactured and sold as a fixed-dose single-tablet regimen and not
as a bundled or co-packaged product.
Quarterly Report” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.3.
Royalty Term” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.9.
Semi-Exclusive Territory” shall mean those countries listed on Appendix 7.
TDF Combination Product” shall mean a formulated and finished
pharmaceutical product containing TDF in combination with any other active
pharmaceutical ingredient other than EVG or COBI (in each case subject to the restrictions
set forth in Section 2.4(c)(i)), including any co-formulation, co-packaged product, bundled
product, or other type of combination product. For clarity, the Quad is not a TDF
Combination Product.
TDF Product” shall mean a formulated and finished pharmaceutical product
containing TDF as its sole active pharmaceutical ingredient.
TDF Territory” shall mean those countries listed on Appendix 1.
Territory” shall mean the TDF Territory, the COBI Territory, the EVG-Quad
Territory, and the Semi-Exclusive Territory.
Third-Party Resellers” shall mean Licensed Product Suppliers, Distributors and
Gilead Distributors.
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2. License Grants
2.1 API License
. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Gilead
hereby grants to Licensee a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable,
non-transferable license under the Licensed Technology to make, use, offer to sell and sell
API in the Field and in India, solely for the purpose of offering to sell and selling API to
Licensed Product Suppliers, or for Licensee’s own internal use. For clarity, the license
granted in this Section 2.1 does not include, expressly or by implication, a license under
any Gilead intellectual property right to manufacture, sell or distribute any active
pharmaceutical ingredient owned or controlled by Gilead other than TDF, EVG and COBI.
2.2 Product License
. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
Gilead hereby grants to Licensee the following licenses:
(a) a royalty-bearing, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable (except as set
forth in Section 2.4(b)), non-transferable license under the Licensed Technology solely to
make, use, sell, have sold, offer for sale, export from India and import (i) TDF Product and
TDF Combination Products in the Field in the TDF Territory, (ii) COBI Product and COBI
Combination Products in the Field in the COBI Territory, and (iii) EVG Product, EVG
Combination Products and Quad in the Field in the EVG-Quad Territory; provided that in
each case such Products shall be made only from Licensed API; and
(b) a royalty-bearing, semi-exclusive (as set forth in Section 2.6),
non-sublicensable (except as set forth in Section 2.4(b)), non-transferable license under the
Licensed Technology solely to make, use, sell, have sold, offer for sale, export from India
and import COBI Product, COBI Combination Products, EVG Product, EVG Combination
Products and Quad in the Field in the Semi-Exclusive Territory; provided that in each case
such Products shall be made only from Licensed API.
For clarity, (a) the licenses granted in this Section 2.2 do not include, expressly or by
implication, a license under any Gilead intellectual property right to manufacture, sell or
distribute any product containing active pharmaceutical ingredients owned or controlled by
Gilead other than Products containing TDF, EVG and COBI, and (b) notwithstanding the
foregoing, the licenses granted under this Section 2.2 shall not extend to any active
pharmaceutical ingredient included within a Product other than TDF, EVG and COBI.
2.3 License Grant to Gilead
. Licensee hereby grants to Gilead a nonexclusive,
royalty-free, worldwide, sublicensable license to all improvements, methods,
modifications and other know-how developed by or on behalf of Licensee and relating to
API or a Product (“Improvements), subject to the restrictions on further transfer of
Licensee’s technology by Gilead as set forth in Section 5.3.
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2.4 Licensee Right to Sell Through Third Party Resellers.
(a) Licensed Product Suppliers. Licensee agrees that it will not sell or
offer to sell API to any entity other than to Licensed Product Suppliers in India that have
been approved by Gilead in accordance with Section 2.4(e).
(b) Product Sales. Licensee agrees that it will not sell, offer for sale, or
assist third parties in selling Product except for the sale and offer for sale of (A) TDF
Product and TDF Combination Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the TDF
Territory, (B) COBI Product and COBI Combination Product for use in the Field and in the
countries of the COBI Territory and the Semi-Exclusive Territory, and (C) EVG Product,
EVG Combination Product and Quad for use in the Field and in the countries of the
EVG-Quad Territory and the Semi-Exclusive Territory.
(i) Licensee agrees that it will prohibit its Distributors from
selling Product (A) to any other wholesaler or distributor, (B) outside the Territory for
which Licensee is licensed for sale of such Product pursuant to Section 2.2, or (C) for any
purpose outside the Field.
(ii) Licensee agrees that it will not administer the Quad to
humans, or sell the Quad until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for the Quad from
the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer EVG to humans, or sell Products
containing EVG until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for EVG from the FDA.
Licensee agrees that it will not administer COBI to humans, or sell Products containing
COBI until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for COBI from the FDA. If Gilead
obtains marketing approval from the FDA for the Quad prior to obtaining marketing
approval for a product containing EVG or COBI as a single agent, then Licensee will be
allowed to administer the Quad to humans, and sell the Quad, but will not (A) administer to
humans or sell Combination Products containing EVG other than the Quad until Gilead has
obtained marketing approval from the FDA for EVG, or (B) administer to humans or sell
Combination Products containing COBI other than the Quad until Gilead has obtained
marketing approval from the FDA for COBI.
(c) Limitations on Product Combinations
(i) Licensee will be allowed to manufacture and sell TDF in
combination with other active pharmaceutical ingredients in the TDF Territory, provided
in each case (A) Licensee has the legal right to manufacture and sell such other active
pharmaceutical ingredients in the applicable country in the TDF Territory, and (B) such
manufacture and sale is in accordance with the licenses granted herein.
(ii) Licensee will be allowed to manufacture and sell COBI in
combination with other active pharmaceutical ingredients in the COBI Territory and the
Semi-Exclusive Territory, provided in each case (A) Licensee has the legal right to
manufacture and sell such other active pharmaceutical ingredients in the applicable
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country in the COBI Territory or Semi-Exclusive Territory, and (B) such manufacture and
sale is in accordance with the licenses granted herein.
(iii) Licensee will be allowed to manufacture and sell EVG in
combination with other active pharmaceutical ingredients in the EVG-Quad Territory and
the Semi-Exclusive Territory, provided in each case (A) Licensee has the legal right to
manufacture and sell such other active pharmaceutical ingredients in the applicable
country in the EVG-Quad Territory or Semi-Exclusive Territory, (B) such manufacture
and sale is in accordance with the licenses granted herein, and (C) Licensee has obtained
Gilead’s prior written consent for the manufacture or sale of such product containing EVG,
such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. For clarity, the requirement for Gilead’s
prior consent set forth in the preceding clause (C) shall not apply to the Quad.
(d) Terms of Agreements with Third Party Resellers
(i) Gilead Distributors
. Licensee may elect to sell finished
Product in the Territory to any Gilead Distributor, provided, however, that (A) Licensee
may only sell and offer for sale TDF Product and TDF Combination Product to Gilead
Distributors to sell in the TDF Territory, and may not sell or offer for sale TDF Product or
TDF Combination Product outside the TDF Territory, (B) Licensee may only sell and offer
for sale COBI Product and COBI Combination Product to Gilead Distributors in the COBI
Territory and the Semi-Exclusive Territory, and may not sell or offer for sale COBI
Product or COBI Combination Product outside the COBI Territory or the Semi-Exclusive
Territory, and (C) Licensee may only sell and offer for sale EVG Product, EVG
Combination Product and Quad to Gilead Distributors in the EVG-Quad Territory and the
Semi-Exclusive Territory, and may not sell or offer for sale EVG Product, EVG
Combination Product or Quad outside the EVG-Quad Territory or the Semi-Exclusive
Territory, and (D) Licensee shall only sell to such Gilead Distributor those Products that
are bioequivalent to the branded products Gilead has granted such Gilead Distributor the
right to sell in such country of the applicable Territory. Licensee shall only allow such
Gilead Distributor to sell such Product in the countries within the country of the applicable
Territory for which such Gilead Distributor has the right to sell branded Gilead product.
For example, Licensee shall not sell to a Gilead Distributor (X) a Product containing TDF,
FTC and efavirenz, unless Gilead has granted such distributor the right to sell a branded
product containing TDF, FTC and efavirenz in such country in the Territory, or (Y) a
Product containing both TDF and 3TC.
(ii) Other Third Party Resellers
. Licensee shall require any such
Third Party Reseller to agree, in a written agreement with Licensee, (i) to comply with the
applicable terms of this Agreement; and (ii) to report to Licensee such information, and
allow Licensee to provide Gilead with the information described in Section 4.3 (and also to
provide Japan Tobacco with such information to the extent it relates to EVG, EVG Product,
EVG Combination Product or Quad). Gilead has the right to audit, on no less than thirty
(30) days’ advance notice to Licensee, such records of Licensee solely to the extent
necessary to verify such compliance. Gilead will bear the full cost of any such audit, and
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shall have the right to share the outcome of any such audit with Japan Tobacco to the extent
such outcome relates to EVG, EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, or Quad.
(e) Gilead Approval of Third Party Reseller Agreements.
shall not enter into any agreements with Third Party Resellers on terms inconsistent with
this Agreement without obtaining Gilead’s prior written approval. If Licensee enters into
an agreement with any Third Party Reseller, then Licensee shall notify Gilead in writing,
and shall certify that its arrangement with such Third Party Reseller is consistent with the
terms and conditions of this Agreement. Licensee shall provide Gilead with written copies
of all agreements executed between Licensee and Third Party Resellers. Gilead shall have
the right to review all such agreements to verify consistency with the terms and conditions
of this Agreement. In the event that any inconsistency is found which had not been
specifically discussed and agreed with Gilead, then Gilead shall have the right to require
Licensee to terminate such agreement. To the extent any such agreements relate to EVG,
EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, or Quad, Gilead shall also have the right to
share such agreements with Japan Tobacco.
(f) Termination of Third Party Agreements by Licensee
. Licensee shall
immediately terminate its agreement(s) with a Third-Party Reseller in the event that such
Third Party Reseller engages in material activities that Licensee is prohibited from
performing under this Agreement, or that are inconsistent with Licensee’s covenants under
this Agreement, including without limitation the unauthorized use, sale or diversion by
such Third Party Reseller of API or Product outside the Field or the applicable Territory, or
upon Licensee first reasonably believing that such Third-Party Reseller has engaged in
such activities.
(g) Termination of Third Party Agreements by Gilead
. Gilead may
terminate the right of Licensee to sell Product to any Third-Party Reseller pursuant to this
Section 2.4, if in Gilead’s reasonable belief the Third-Party Reseller is not acting in a way
that is consistent with Licensee’s covenants under this Agreement, or if Licensee does not
terminate Licensee’s agreement with such Third-Party Reseller under the circumstances
described in Section 2.4(e) or Section 2.4(f).
2.5 License Limitations
(a) Gilead Retained Rights
. Licensee hereby acknowledges that Gilead
retains all rights in API and Products except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, and
that Gilead may license or otherwise convey to third parties its rights in API and Products
as it wishes without obligation or other accounting to Licensee.
(b) Gilead Marks
. The licenses granted hereunder do not include any
license or other right to use any Gilead trademark, trade name, logo or service mark (each,
a “Gilead Mark”) or any word, logo or any expression that is similar to or alludes to any
Gilead Mark, except as provided in Section 6.5. Licensee agrees not to use any Japan
Tobacco trademark, trade name, logo or service mark (each, a “JT Mark”), or any word,
logo or any expression that is similar to any JT Mark.
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(c) Sublicensed Technology. The licenses relating to EVG, EVG
Product, EVG Combination Product and Quad granted to Licensee under this Agreement
include sublicenses of intellectual property rights from Japan Tobacco, and remain subject
to the terms and conditions of the Japan Tobacco Agreement. Gilead and Licensee shall
not permit any action to be taken or event to occur, in each case to the extent within such
party’s reasonable control, that would give Japan Tobacco the right to terminate the Japan
Tobacco Agreement. If either party is notified or otherwise becomes aware that Licensee’s
activities may constitute a material breach of the Japan Tobacco Agreement, it shall
promptly notify the other party. The parties shall confer regarding an appropriate manner
for curing any such alleged breach. Licensee shall cure such alleged breach as promptly as
possible, and in any case within the time allotted under the Japan Tobacco Agreement.
Gilead shall remain responsible for EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, and Quad
royalties owed to Japan Tobacco pursuant to the Japan Tobacco Agreement.
(d) No Other Licenses.
(i) Licensee agrees that it shall not use any contract
manufacturers without obtaining Gilead’s prior written consent, or grant any sublicenses
(ii) Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, Gilead does
not grant any license under any of its intellectual property rights (including, without
limitation, Patents or rights to any proprietary compounds or drug substances other than
API) to Licensee.
2.6 Licensee Rights in the Semi-Exclusive Territory
(a) Licensee shall have the right to market and sell EVG Product, EVG
Combination Product, COBI Product, COBI Combination Product, and Quad in the
Semi-Exclusive Territory on a semi-exclusive basis in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. As such, during the Semi-Exclusive Term, Gilead agrees
not to grant any third party the right to sell (i) any generic pharmaceutical product
containing EVG, whether as a single agent or in combination with other active
pharmaceutical ingredients (including generic versions of the Quad) in the Semi-Exclusive
Territory, and (ii) any generic pharmaceutical product containing COBI, whether as a
single agent or in combination with other active pharmaceutical ingredients (including
generic versions of the Quad) in the Semi-Exclusive Territory, provided Licensee remains
compliant with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Gilead retains the right to sell
branded versions of the Quad and other branded products containing EVG and COBI by
itself or through use of its own distributors and licensees in the Semi-Exclusive Territory.
(b) [***].
(c) Licensee’s semi-exclusive rights in the Semi-Exclusive Territory
shall have a term of 5 years commencing on the date Licensee first launches its first COBI
Product, COBI Combination Product, EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, or Quad
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in the Semi-Exclusive Territory (the “Semi-Exclusive Term”). The Semi-Exclusive Term
may be extended due to Licensee’s development of a Pediatric Formulation pursuant to
Section 6.2(e). Once the Semi-Exclusive Term expires, or if Gilead terminates Licensee’s
rights in the Semi-Exclusive Territory due to Licensee’s non-compliance with this
Agreement, then the semi-exclusive license granted in Section 2.2(b) shall terminate, and
Gilead in its sole discretion may authorize other Licensed Product Suppliers to register and
sell COBI Product, COBI Combination Product, EVG Product, EVG Combination
Product, and/or Quad in such territory.
3. Sourcing of API
3.1 Sourcing of API from API Suppliers
. Licensee agrees that it shall not make,
use or sell any Product that contains API other than API that is Licensed API. If Licensee
wishes to manufacture Product using API made by either a Gilead Supplier or a Licensed
API Supplier, then Licensee shall notify Gilead in writing, and shall certify that its
arrangement with such Gilead Supplier or Licensed API Supplier, as applicable, is
consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Licensee shall provide Gilead
with written copies of all agreements between Licensee and such Gilead Supplier or
Licensed API Supplier upon execution. To the extent any such agreements relate to EVG,
Gilead shall have the right to share such agreements with Japan Tobacco. In the event that
any inconsistency is found which had not been specifically discussed and agreed with
Gilead, Gilead shall have the right to require Licensee to terminate such agreement with
such Gilead Supplier or Licensed API Supplier.
3.2 Gilead Assistance with Gilead Suppliers
. Upon receipt of a notice
described in Section 3.1 of Licensee’s intention to obtain Licensed API from a Gilead
Supplier, Gilead shall use commercially reasonable efforts to assist Licensee in procuring
supply of API from such Gilead Supplier. Gilead shall not be obligated to assist Licensee
in procuring any supply of API from a Licensed API Supplier.
3.3 Conditions of Supply from Gilead Suppliers
. Gilead shall be a party to any
agreement between Licensee and a Gilead Supplier that provides for the supply of API to
Licensee from such Gilead Supplier. Any such agreement between Gilead, Licensee and a
Gilead Supplier shall include and be subject to the following conditions:
(a) Gilead Supply Needs.
Licensee shall not obtain API from the
Gilead Supplier until Gilead has received confirmation in writing from the Gilead Supplier
of its ability to continue to supply Gilead with Gilead’s forecasted requirements of API, as
reflected in Gilead’s then-current twelve (12) month forecast for API provided to the
Gilead Supplier.
(b) Consistency with Agreement
. The Gilead Supplier shall be
permitted to supply API to Licensee only to the extent that any such supply does not
(A) adversely affect its ability to meet Gilead’s forecasted requirements or (B) adversely
affect the Gilead Supplier’s ability to supply Gilead’s requirements, whether or not such
requirements are consistent with Gilead’s twelve (12) month forecast. Gilead shall have
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the right to terminate any such agreement if such supply adversely affects Gilead as set
forth in this Section 3.3(b).
3.4 No Other Arrangements.
Licensee agrees that it shall not enter into any
agreements, nor amend any existing agreements, for the supply of intermediates or API the
terms of which would be inconsistent with this Agreement without Gilead’s prior written
approval as provided for in this Section 3.
3.5 Supply of other components.
The obligations set forth in Sections 3.1, 3.2
and 3.3 with respect to Licensee’s supply of API shall not apply to active pharmaceutical
ingredients other than API that Licensee may incorporate into Combination Products.
4. Consideration/Payment Terms/Audit
4.1 Royalty
. As consideration for the licenses granted in Section 2, Licensee
shall pay Gilead the following royalties on Net Sales of Product in the Territory for the
duration of the Royalty Term:
(a) 3% of TDF Product Net Sales in the TDF Territory.
(b) 3% of the portion of TDF Combination Product Net Sales
attributable to the TDF component of such TDF Combination Product in the TDF Territory
as determined in accordance with Section 4.2.
(c) (i) 3% of the portion of Quad Net Sales attributable to the TDF,
component of the Quad in the EVG-Quad Territory as determined in accordance with
Section 4.2, and (ii) 5% of the portion of Quad Net Sales attributable to the EVG and COBI
components of the Quad in the EVG-Quad Territory as determined in accordance with
Section 4.2.
(d) 5% of EVG Product Net Sales in the EVG-Quad Territory.
(e) 5% of COBI Product Net Sales in the COBI Territory.
(f) 5% of the portion of EVG Combination Product (other than the
Quad) Net Sales attributable to the EVG component of such EVG Combination Product in
the EVG-Quad Territory as determined in accordance with Section 4.2. In addition, (i) to
the extent any such EVG Combination Product also contains TDF, Licensee will also pay
Gilead 3% of the portion of EVG Combination Product (other than the Quad) Net Sales
attributable to the TDF component of such EVG Combination Product in the EVG-Quad
Territory as determined in accordance with Section 4.2. and (ii) to the extent any such EVG
Combination Product also contains COBI, Licensee will also pay Gilead 5% of the portion
of EVG Combination Product (other than the Quad) Net Sales attributable to the COBI
component of such EVG Combination Product in the EVG-Quad Territory as determined
in accordance with Section 4.2.
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(g) 5% of the portion of COBI Combination Product (other than the
Quad) Net Sales attributable to the COBI component of such COBI Combination Product
in the COBI Territory, as determined in accordance with Section 4.2. In addition, to the
extent any such COBI Combination Product also contains TDF, Licensee will also pay
Gilead 3% of the portion of COBI Combination Product (other than the Quad) Net Sales
attributable to the TDF component of such COBI Combination Product in the COBI
Territory, as determined in accordance with Section 4.2.
(h) (i) 3% of the portion of Quad Net Sales attributable to the TDF
component of the Quad in the Semi-Exclusive Territory as determined in accordance with
Section 4.2, and (ii) 10% of the portion of Quad Net Sales attributable to the EVG and
COBI components of the Quad in the Semi-Exclusive Territory as determined in
accordance with Section 4.2.
(i) 15% of EVG Product Net Sales in the Semi-Exclusive Territory.
(j) 15% of COBI Product Net Sales in the Semi-Exclusive Territory.
(k) 15% of the portion of EVG Combination Product (other than the
Quad) Net Sales attributable to the EVG component of such EVG Combination Product in
the Semi-Exclusive Territory as determined in accordance with Section 4.2. In addition, (i)
to the extent any such EVG Combination Product also contains TDF, Licensee will also
pay Gilead 15% of the portion of EVG Combination Product (other than the Quad) Net
Sales attributable to the TDF component of such EVG Combination Product in the
Semi-Exclusive Territory as determined in accordance with Section 4.2., and (ii) to the
extent any such EVG Combination Product also contains COBI, Licensee will also pay
Gilead 15% of the portion of EVG Combination Product (other than the Quad) Net Sales
attributable to the COBI component of such EVG Combination Product in the
Semi-Exclusive Territory as determined in accordance with Section 4.2.
(l) 15% of the portion of COBI Combination Product (other than the
Quad) Net Sales attributable to the COBI component of such COBI Combination Product
in the Semi-Exclusive Territory as determined in accordance with Section 4.2. In addition,
to the extent any such COBI Combination Product also contains TDF, Licensee will also
pay Gilead 15% of the portion of COBI Combination Product (other than the Quad) Net
Sales attributable to the TDF component of such COBI Combination Product in the
Semi-Exclusive Territory as determined in accordance with Section 4.2.
(m) No royalties will be owed on Pediatric Formulations developed and
sold by Licensee in accordance with Section 6.2(e).
(n) No royalties will be owed on the emtricitabine component of any
Combination Product.
(o) No royalties will be owed on Licensee’s sale of API to other
Licensed Product Suppliers, provided such Licensed Product Supplier has executed an
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agreement with Gilead requiring such Licensed Product Supplier to pay Gilead royalties on
finished Product containing such API.
(p) Royalties on sales of Product to Gilead Distributors will be based on
Licensee’s invoice price to such Gilead Distributor.
(q) Royalties will only be owed once on each royalty-bearing API of a
Combination Product. By means of example, if Licensee pays royalties on the Quad
pursuant to Section 4.1(c) or 4.1(h), then Licensee will not also have to pay additional
royalties on the TDF component for the sale of the Quad pursuant to Section 4.1(a) or (b),
the EVG component pursuant to Section 4.1(d), (f), (i) or (k), or the COBI component
pursuant to Section 4.1(e), (g), (j) or (l).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) the royalty due on TDF Product Net Sales under Section
4.1(a) and (ii) the royalty due on the portion of Net Sales attributable to the TDF
component of a TDF Combination Product, the Quad, an EVG Combination Product or a
COBI Combination Product as set forth in Sections 4.1(b), (c)(i), (f)(i), (g) and (h)(i)
above, respectively, shall, in all cases, increase from 3% to 5% at such time when a Patent
covering the composition of matter of tenofovir disoproxil (“TD”) or TDF issues in India.
4.2 Adjustment for Combination Products
. Solely for the purpose of
calculating Net Sales of Combination Products, if Licensee sells Product in the form of a
Combination Product containing any Licensed API and one or more other active
pharmaceutical ingredients in a particular country, Net Sales of such Combination Product
in such country for the purpose of determining the royalty due to Gilead pursuant to
Section 4.1 will be calculated by multiplying actual Net Sales of such Combination
Product in such country by the fraction A/(A+B), where A is the invoice price of such
Product if sold separately in such country, and B is the total invoice price of the other active
pharmaceutical ingredient(s) in the combination if sold separately in such country. If, on a
country-by-country basis, such other active pharmaceutical ingredient or ingredients in the
Combination Product are not sold separately in such country, but the Product component of
the Combination Product is sold separately in such country, Net Sales for the purpose of
determining royalties due to Gilead for the Combination Product will be calculated by
multiplying actual Net Sales of such Combination Product by the fraction A/C, where A is
the invoice price of such Product component if sold separately, and C is the invoice price of
the Combination Product. If, on a country-by-country basis, such Product component is
not sold separately in such country, Net Sales for the purposes of determining royalties due
to Gilead for the Combination Product will be D/(D+E), where D is the fair market value of
the portion of the Combination Products that contains the Product, and E is the fair market
value of the portion of the Combination Products containing the other active
pharmaceutical ingredient(s) or delivery device included in such Combination Product, as
such fair market values are determined by mutual agreement of the Parties, which shall not
be unreasonably withheld.
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4.3 Reports. Within sixty (60) days after the end of each calendar quarter,
Licensee shall (a) provide Gilead with a detailed report of amounts of API and Product
produced, API and Product on stock, total invoiced sales, Net Sales, the deductions used to
determine Net Sales, number of units of Product sold, each of which shall be reported on a
Product-by-Product and country-by-country basis, adjustments for combination products
(pursuant to Section 4.2) including calculations showing the Net Sales of the EVG
component of any EVG Combination Product, total royalties owed for the calendar
quarter, the countries to which the Product has been sent and in what quantities, the Third
Party Resellers, if any, to which Licensee has provided Product and in what quantities, and
Net Sales by each Third-Party Reseller, and, in the case of the sale of any API to third-party
manufacturers of Product, the identity of such third parties and quantities of API sold to
each such third party (the “Quarterly Report”); (b) provide Gilead with a written
certification of the accuracy of the contents of the Quarterly Report, signed by an
appropriate Licensee senior officer; and (c) pay royalties due to Gilead for the calendar
quarter on a Product-by-Product and country-by-country basis. Additionally, together with
each Quarterly Report, Licensee shall provide Gilead with a Regulatory Report as set forth
in Section 6.3. Licensee shall provide Quarterly Reports and Regulatory Reports to Gilead
at the address listed below. Licensee shall pay royalties to Gilead by wire transfer to the
bank account indicated by Gilead from time to time. To the extent such Quarterly Reports
relate to EVG, EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, or Quad, Gilead will have the
right to share such Quarterly Reports with Japan Tobacco.
4.4 Payment Terms
. Licensee shall make all payments to Gilead in US Dollars.
With regard to sales in currencies other than US Dollars, conversion from local currency
into US Dollars shall be at the rate of exchange of the local currency to the US Dollar on
the day of payment as reported by the Reserve Bank of India.
4.5 Records
. Licensee shall keep complete and accurate records of API and
Product produced and sold in sufficient detail to enable Licensee to determine the amount
of royalties due, the parties to whom Product or API was sold, and the countries in which
sales occurred.
4.6 Audit
. Gilead has the right to engage an independent public accountant to
perform, on no less than thirty (30) days’ advance notice to Licensee, an audit, conducted
in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, of such books and records of
Licensee that are deemed necessary by such public accountant to report amounts of API
and Product produced, gross sales, Net Sales for the periods requested and accrued
royalties. Gilead will bear the full cost of any such audit unless such audit discloses a
difference of more than five percent (5%) from the amount of royalties due. In such case,
Licensee shall promptly pay Gilead any underpayment and shall bear the full cost of such
audit. To the extent relevant to EVG, EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, or Quad,
Gilead will have the right to disclose such audit results to Japan Tobacco.
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4.7 Interest. Any amount payable hereunder by Licensee, which is not paid on
a timely basis, shall bear a pro rata monthly interest rate of one percent (1%) subject to any
necessary approvals that may be required.
4.8 Taxes
(a) Withholding Taxes. Licensee shall promptly pay the withholding
tax for and on behalf of Gilead to the proper governmental authority and shall promptly
furnish Gilead with the tax withholding certificate furnished by the Licensee. Licensee
shall be entitled to deduct the withholding tax actually paid from such payment due Gilead.
Each party agrees to assist the other party in claiming exemption from such withholdings
under double taxation or similar agreement or treaty from time to time in force and in
minimizing the amount required to be so withheld or deducted.
(b) Other Taxes
. Except as provided in this Section 4.8, all taxes or
duties in connection with payments made by Licensee shall be borne by Licensee.
4.9 Royalty Term
. Royalty payments shall be paid to Gilead by Licensee on a
Product-by-Product and country-by-country basis starting on the date of the first
commercial sale of a Product in a country and continuing until the last to occur of the
(a) the expiration of the last-to-expire Patent containing a valid claim
covering the manufacture, use, import, offer for sale or sale of API or the Product in such
country; or
(b) the date of expiration of the last-to-expire Patent containing a valid
claim covering the manufacture, use, import, offer for sale or sale of API or the Product in
India (the “Royalty Term”).
5. Intellectual Property
5.1 Maintenance of Patents
. Gilead shall use commercially reasonable efforts
to maintain and enforce the Patents in India and in the Semi-Exclusive Territory (including
with respect to the exercise of back-up rights to maintain and enforce Patents relating to
EVG, EVG Product, EVG Combination Product or Quad in India and the Semi-Exclusive
Territory that are subject to the Japan Tobacco Agreement), but shall not be obligated to
maintain or enforce the Patents in the remainder of the Territory.
5.2 Cooperation
. If either party becomes aware of a suspected infringement of
any Patent, such party will notify the other party promptly, and following such notification,
the parties will confer. Gilead (except in the case of Patents relating to EVG, EVG
Product, EVG Combination Product or Quad that are subject to the Japan Tobacco
Agreement and controlled by Japan Tobacco) will have the right, but not the obligation, to
bring an infringement action at its own expense, in its own name, and entirely under its
own direction and control. Licensee will reasonably assist Gilead (or, where applicable,
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Japan Tobacco) in such actions or proceedings if so requested, and will lend its name to
such actions or proceedings if required by law in order for Gilead (or Japan Tobacco) to
bring such action.
5.3 Reporting of Improvements
. Licensee shall provide Gilead with an annual
report, in writing and in reasonable detail that sets forth any Improvements, including any
patent applications claiming Improvements. Licensee shall transfer to Gilead, upon
request by Gilead and at Gilead’s expense, any know-how owned or controlled by
Licensee relating to such Improvements. Any failure to report any such Improvements to
Gilead in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall constitute a breach of this
Agreement and shall provide Gilead with the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to
Section 10.4(b). Gilead shall not transfer any Improvements obtained from Licensee to
any third party, provided, however, that (a) Gilead may transfer Improvements to Gilead’s
own affiliates and suppliers, provided such affiliates and suppliers utilize such
Improvements solely for the benefit of Gilead and/or Japan Tobacco, and (b) Gilead may
transfer Improvements relating to EVG, EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, or
Quad to Japan Tobacco in accordance with the Japan Tobacco Agreement for use solely for
the benefit of Japan Tobacco, including the transfer and use of such Improvements to Japan
Tobacco’s suppliers for the benefit of Japan Tobacco.
5.4 Trademarks
(a) Any Product offered for sale or sold shall have a different trade
dress, including a distinct color, shape and trade name, than the comparable product sold
by Gilead and, where applicable, the comparable product sold by Japan Tobacco. For
clarity, Licensee’s non-performance of the obligations set forth in this Section 5.4(a) shall
constitute a material breach of Licensee’s material obligation under this Agreement.
(b) Licensee shall provide to Gilead, prior to any regulatory
submissions for any Product, or selling or offering for sale any Product, samples of the
Product and any packaging, labeling information or marketing materials (including, but not
limited to, advertisement and promotional materials) to be used with the Product to permit
Gilead to review and approve the Product and packaging as consistent with the
requirements of Section 5.4(a). If Gilead reasonably objects to the trade dress or other
aspects of the Product or product packaging based on the requirements of Section 5.4(a),
the parties shall discuss in good faith the changes to be made to the Product or packaging to
address Gilead’s concerns.
5.5 Technology Transfer
. Licensee acknowledges that following execution of
the TDF License Agreement Gilead provided to Licensee, and Licensee received, a
one-time technology transfer of know-how relating to TDF and TDF Product. Promptly
following Gilead’s receipt of marketing approval from the FDA (and on a
Product-by-Product basis), Gilead shall make a one-time technology transfer of know-how
(a) owned or controlled by Gilead as of the Effective Date, or (b) exclusively licensed by
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Gilead from Japan Tobacco pursuant to the Japan Tobacco Agreement, relating to the
manufacture of EVG, COBI and the Quad to the extent and in the manner specified in
Appendix 3 hereto (such TDF, EVG, COBI and Quad know-how, the “Licensed
Know-How”). Such Licensed Know-How shall be sufficient to enable Licensee to
manufacture TDF and TDF Product, EVG and COBI, EVG Product, COBI Product and
Quad, at commercial-scale quantities. Gilead shall have no further obligation to transfer
any other know-how to Licensee.
6. Manufacturing and Commercialization of Product
6.1 Promotion of Sales in the Territory.
The parties hereto agree that an
important purpose of this Agreement is to increase patient access to the Products licensed
under this Agreement in the Territory. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,
Licensee shall have the sole discretion to manage its own commercial strategy to promote
and sell the Product in the Territory, provided, however, that Licensee shall not engage in
activities that are inconsistent with the first sentence of this Section 6.1. By means of
example and without limitation, Licensee agrees that Licensee shall not accept patient
orders that Licensee does not have the capacity to fill, and shall not obtain API or Product
without having the means, either directly or through the use of permitted third parties, to
manufacture such API into Product and/or distribute such Product to patients within the
6.2 Manufacturing Requirements
(a) Minimum Standards. Licensee agrees that it shall manufacture API
and Product in a manner consistent with (i) the applicable Indian manufacturing standards;
(ii) either World Health Organization (“WHO”) pre-qualification standards, standards of
the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”), or United States Food and Drug
Administration (“FDA”) tentative approval standards (“Minimum Quality Standards”);
and (iii) on a country-by-country basis, any applicable national, regional or local standards
as may be required by the specific country where Product is sold. Licensee shall apply for
WHO pre-qualification or FDA conditional approval for (1) at least one TDF Product or
TDF Combination Product no later than the first anniversary of the Effective Date, (2) at
least one COBI Product or COBI Combination Product no later than the first anniversary of
the FDA approval date for COBI (if COBI is approved), (3) at least one EVG Product or
EVG Combination Product no later than the first anniversary of the FDA approval date for
EVG (if EVG is approved), and (4) the Quad no later than the first anniversary of the FDA
approval date for the Quad (if the Quad is approved).
(b) Audit Right
. Licensee hereby agrees to allow Gilead reasonable
access to Licensee’s books and records, facilities and employees solely for the purpose and
to the extent required for Gilead to audit Licensee’s compliance with the requirements of
this Section 6.2. Gilead agrees to provide at least thirty (30) days prior notice of the
proposed audit, and agrees that such audits shall not be conducted more than once a year
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unless circumstances outside the ordinary course of business warrant such an audit (such as
an investigation or other government action). To the extent any such audit relates to EVG,
EVG Product, EVG Combination Product, or Quad, Gilead will have the right to share
reports from any such audit with Japan Tobacco.
(c) Remedy for Failure
. If Licensee fails at any time to meet the
Minimum Quality Standards or has not received either WHO pre-qualification or FDA
conditional approval, as applicable, by the second anniversary of the Effective Date,
Gilead may elect, in its sole discretion and notwithstanding Section 10.2 or 10.4 hereof, to
suspend the effectiveness of the licenses granted hereunder until such time Gilead has
determined that Licensee has corrected any such failure to Gilead’s reasonable satisfaction.
During any such suspension, Gilead and Licensee shall coordinate with each other to
provide for the supply of API or Product, as appropriate, to ensure that end-user patient
requirements are not disrupted as a result of such suspension.
(d) Dose Requirements.
All TDF Product and TDF Combination
Product manufactured, used or sold by Licensee shall consist of a single dose concentration
of 300 milligrams of TDF per dose. All EVG Product, COBI Product, EVG Combination
Product, COBI Combination Product, and Quad manufactured, used or sold by Licensee
shall consist of single dose concentrations of EVG and/or COBI that are the same as the
dose concentration for such agent that has been approved by the FDA. Licensee agrees that
it shall not manufacture or sell Products (including Combination Products) formulated at a
single dose concentration other than those dose concentrations approved by the FDA for
such agents (each an “Alternate Dosage”), without prior written consent from Gilead,
provided, however, that in the case of TDF and COBI, Licensee may manufacture or sell
TDF Product, TDF Combination Product, COBI Product, or COBI Combination Product
consisting of an Alternate Dosage if such Alternate Dosage has been approved for use in
the Field by the appropriate regulatory authority having jurisdiction over such Product. By
means of example, dosage concentrations of TDF lower than 300 milligrams in tablet form
will be allowed for pediatric administrations only if such lower dosage has been approved
by the FDA or the appropriate foreign regulatory authority for such administration.
(e) Pediatric Formulations.
Licensee agrees to use reasonable efforts to
develop a TDF Product, TDF Combination Product, EVG Product, EVG Combination
Product, COBI Product or COBI Combination Product as either a liquid or dispersible
tablet formulation for use in pediatric patients less than 12 years of age (each, aPediatric
Formulation”), provided, however, that with respect to EVG Product and EVG
Combination Product, Licensee agrees not to develop any such Pediatric Formulation
without Gilead’s prior written consent, not to be unreasonably withheld. Licensee may
seek regulatory approval for Pediatric Formulations anywhere in the Territory.
(i) If Licensee has used reasonable efforts to develop a
Pediatric Formulation, then the Semi-Exclusive Term in the Semi-Exclusive Territory will
be extended for an additional 5 years. The determination of whether Licensee has used
reasonable efforts with respect to such Pediatric Formulation will be at Gilead’s sole
discretion, however, if Licensee either (A) commences a human clinical trial of a Pediatric
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Formulation under an approved US investigational new drug application, or (B)
commercializes a Pediatric Formulation in the Territory under an approved US
Abbreviated New Drug Application, then Licensee will be deemed to have satisfied the
reasonable efforts requirement set forth in this Section 6.2(e)(i) and the Semi-Exclusive
Term in the Semi-Exclusive Territory will be extended for an additional 5 years.
(ii) If Licensee is granted regulatory approval to market such
Pediatric Formulation, then Licensee will use reasonable efforts to make such Pediatric
Formulation available (A) if such Pediatric Formulation is a TDF Product or a TDF
Combination Product, throughout the TDF Territory, (B) if such Pediatric Formulation is a
COBI Product or a COBI Combination Product, throughout the COBI Territory and the
Semi-Exclusive Territory, or (C) if such Pediatric Formulation is an EVG Product or EVG
Combination Product, throughout the EVG-Quad Territory and the Semi-Exclusive
Territory (for purposes of this Section 6.2(e), “Licensee’s Applicable Territory”), unless
the Semi-Exclusive Term is expired or terminated and Licensee no longer has rights in the
Semi-Exclusive Territory. Gilead would agree to waive any royalty Gilead otherwise
would be entitled to receive for sale of such Pediatric Formulation pursuant to Section 4.1,
provided such Pediatric Formulation is sold for use in pediatric populations under age 12
and not in adult populations.
(iii) Licensee will further agree either to license such Pediatric
Formulation to Gilead or to other Licensed Product Suppliers, or to manufacture and
supply such Pediatric Formulation to one or more Gilead Distributors, for sale (a) in
territories that either are outside the scope of Licensee’s Applicable Territory but within
the scope of the licensed territory of such designated Licensed Product Supplier or Gilead
Distributor, or (b) in territories that are within Licensee’s Applicable Territory but in which
Licensee is not able to make such Pediatric Formulation available. Licensee will be
entitled to receive compensation for any such license or sale of such Pediatric Formulation
to Gilead, a Licensed Product Supplier or Gilead Distributor that would be commensurate
with (and not in excess of) the compensation Licensee would receive if Licensee itself sold
such Pediatric Formulation in Licensee’s Applicable Territory.
(iv) If Gilead, in its sole discretion, is interested in pursuing the
regulatory approval or marketing of such Pediatric Formulation in countries outside
Licensee’s Applicable Territory, or in facilitating access to such Pediatric Formulation to
countries within Licensee’s Applicable Territory where Licensee has not made such
Pediatric Formulation available, then Gilead and Licensee will negotiate a separate
agreement relating to such Pediatric Formulation, with such agreement including
appropriate compensation for Licensee for such Pediatric Formulation. Gilead shall have
the right to sublicense such Pediatric Formulation to Japan Tobacco for use in Japan in
accordance with the Japan Tobacco Agreement.
6.3 Regulatory Filings and Inspections
. Except as provided otherwise herein,
Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all applicable regulatory or
other approvals or authorizations to carry out its activities under this Agreement and shall
provide Gilead with a quarterly written report setting forth (a) a list of countries within the
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Territory for which such regulatory approvals or authorization have been obtained for any
Product and (b) a description of activities performed by Licensee, its designee or, to its
knowledge any other third party, with respect to the filing, obtaining or maintaining of such
regulatory approvals or authorizations within the Territory for any Product (each such
report, a “Regulatory Report”). Gilead may, in its discretion, elect to file for regulatory
or other approval or authorization to make and sell API and Product anywhere in the
Territory. Upon either party’s request, the other party shall provide non-proprietary data
that the other party perceives is reasonably necessary to obtain any such approvals,
authorizations, permits or licenses. Licensee shall obtain, have and maintain all required
registrations for its manufacturing facilities. Licensee shall allow appropriate regulatory
authorities to inspect such facilities to the extent required by applicable law, rule or
regulation. Gilead agrees to provide Licensee with NCE Exclusivity or other regulatory
exclusivity waivers as may be required by the applicable regulatory authorities in order to
manufacture or sell Product in the Territory, provided such manufacture and sale by
Licensee is compliant with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Licensee agrees
not to pursue or obtain regulatory exclusivity on any Product in any country within the
6.4 Marketing Materials
. Any marketing materials (including, but not limited
to, advertisement and promotional materials) used by Licensee and its Third-Party
Resellers shall not contain any misstatements of fact, shall be fully compliant with the
applicable laws, rules and regulations, and shall be distinct from, and not cause any
confusion with, any marketing materials or Products used or sold by Gilead, or any
marketing materials or products sold by Japan Tobacco. Any statements made in such
marketing materials regarding Gilead, including without limitation statements made in
reference to Licensee’s collaboration with Gilead, require Gilead’s prior written approval.
6.5 Product Labeling
. The labeling of all Products sold or offered for sale
under this Agreement shall expressly state that the Product is manufactured under a license
from Gilead.
7. Representations, Warranties and Covenants
7.1 Ability to Perform.
Gilead and Licensee each represent and warrant that
(a) they are duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under
the laws of the jurisdiction of their incorporation and have full corporate power and
authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the provisions hereof;
(b) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered, and
constitutes a legal, valid, binding obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with the
terms hereof; and
(c) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement does not
conflict with any agreement, instrument or understanding, oral or written, to which it is a
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party or by which it is bound, nor violate any law or regulation of any court, governmental
body or administrative or other agency having jurisdiction over such Party
7.2 Diversion of Product and Technology
. Licensee covenants and agrees that
it shall not: (i) divert or allow the diversion of API, or any intermediates or other chemical
entities generated during the process of manufacturing API, outside of India, (ii) divert or
allow the diversion of TDF Product or TDF Combination Product outside the TDF
Territory, (iii) divert or allow the diversion of COBI Product or COBI Combination
Product outside the COBI Territory or the Semi-Exclusive Territory, (iv) divert or allow
the diversion of EVG Product, EVG Combination Product or Quad outside the EVG-Quad
Territory or the Semi-Exclusive Territory, (v) divert or allow the diversion of Licensed
Technology to any third party, except as expressly permitted under this Agreement, or (vi)
assist or support, directly or indirectly, any third party in the conduct of the activities
described in clauses (i) - (v).
7.3 Access Promotion
. Licensee covenants and agrees that it shall not engage
in activities that are contrary to the goal of promoting patient access to Product to satisfy
unmet medical needs within the Territory.
7.4 Law Compliance
(a) General
. Licensee covenants and agrees that it shall perform all
activities under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations,
including, without limitation, with respect to recalls, safety and reporting requirements and
shall obtain, have and maintain all necessary regulatory approvals (including in India),
marketing authorizations, permits and licenses, at Licensee’s expense for the manufacture
and sale of the API and/or Product and any other Licensee activities contemplated hereby.
(b) FCPA and UK Bribery Act
. Licensee covenants and agrees that it
shall provide to Gilead on the Effective Date and within thirty (30) days after the beginning
of each calendar year thereafter, certification in writing by Licensee of Licensee’s
compliance with the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and with the UK
Bribery Act of 2010.
(c) Conflicts
. Neither party shall be required to take any action or
perform any obligation under this Agreement to the extent that such action or obligation is
in direct conflict with any applicable law, rule or regulation, provided, however, that both
Licensee and Gilead are in agreement regarding (i) the requirements of such law, rule or
regulation, and (ii) the affect that such law, rule or regulation has on such action or
obligation required under this Agreement.
7.5 Patent Infringement
. Licensee covenants and agrees that it shall not
infringe the Patents outside the scope of the licenses granted to it pursuant to Section 2, and
shall not infringe the Emtricitabine Patents outside the scope of the covenant not to sue set
forth in Section 7.6.
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7.6 Covenant Concerning Certain Gilead Patents. Gilead covenants and agrees
that it shall not, at any time during the term of this Agreement, bring any claim or
proceeding of any kind or nature against Licensee in relation to any of the pending and
issued patents identified in Appendix 4 hereto (the “Emtricitabine Patents”) to the extent
that Licensee decides to make, use, sell, have sold and export any Product in the Territory
that may infringe any claims covering the manufacture, use and sale of emtricitabine
contained in such Emtricitabine Patents.
not give any warranty, express or implied, with regard to the safety or efficacy of API or
the Product and it shall be the sole responsibility of the Licensee to ensure such safety or
8. Liability and Indemnity
(a) Licensee Indemnity
. Licensee shall jointly and severally indemnify,
hold harmless and defend Gilead, and its subsidiaries, licensors, directors, officers,
employees and agents (together the “Gilead Indemnitees”), from and against any and all
losses, damages, expenses, cost of defense (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees,
witness fees, damages, judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement) and any amounts
a Gilead Indemnitee becomes legally obligated to pay because of any claim against it (i)
arising out of any breach by Licensee of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or (ii)
for any product liability, liability for death, illness, personal injury or improper business
practice, or any other statutory liability or any other liability under any law or regulation, to
the extent that such claim or claims are due to reasons caused by or on behalf of Licensee
related to API or Product (including, without limitation, their manufacture, use or sale).
The indemnification obligations of Licensee stated in this Section 8(a) shall apply only in
the event that Gilead provides Licensee with prompt written notice of such claims, grants
Licensee the right to control the defense or negotiation of settlement, and makes available
all reasonable assistance in defending the claims. Licensee shall not agree to any final
settlement or compromise with respect to any such claim that adversely affects Gilead
without obtaining Gilead’s consent.
(b) Product Liability
. Licensee shall be solely responsible in respect of
any product liability or any other statutory liability under any regulation, in respect of API
or the Product.
(c) Gilead Liability
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9. Insurance
Within thirty (30) days prior to the first commercial launch by Licensee of a
Product, and each year thereafter for so long as this Agreement is in effect, Licensee shall
provide to Gilead certificates of insurance by insurers acceptable to Gilead evidencing
comprehensive general liability coverage, including products liability, with a combined
limit of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for bodily injury, including
personal injury, and property damage. Gilead shall have the right to provide any such
certificate to Japan Tobacco. Licensee shall not cancel any such policy without at least
sixty (60) days prior written notice to Gilead, and agrees that such policy shall be
maintained (or have an extended reporting period) of at least seven (7) years after the
termination of this Agreement.
10. Term and Termination
10.1 Term
. This Agreement shall enter into force upon the Effective Date and,
unless earlier terminated as provided herein, shall continue until the expiration of the
Royalty Term. Upon expiration of the Royalty Term, and with respect to a particular
Product in a particular country in the Territory, subject to the terms and conditions herein
with respect to such Product and such country, the license and sublicense granted in Article
2 to Licensee shall become a perpetual, irrevocable, fully paid-up, royalty free license
under the Licensed Know-How to develop, make, have made, use, sell, have sold, offer for
sale, import and distribute such Product in the Field in such country.
10.2 Termination for Breach
. A party (“non-breaching party”) shall have the
right to terminate this Agreement in the event the other party (“breaching party”) is in
material breach of any of its material obligations under this Agreement. The
non-breaching party shall provide written notice to the breaching party. The breaching
party shall have a period of thirty (30) days after such written notice is provided to cure
such breach. If such breach is not cured within the thirty day period, this Agreement shall
effectively terminate.
Final Version
10.3 Licensee’s Right to Terminate Agreement for Convenience. Licensee shall
have the right to terminate this Agreement in its entirety by providing Gilead with thirty
(30) days prior written notice
10.4 Gilead Right to Terminate
(a) Gilead shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and/or one
or both of the licenses granted pursuant to Section 2.1 or Section 2.2
(whether or not such
event constitutes a right of termination pursuant to Section 10.2), immediately if in the
reasonable opinion of Gilead, control (through ownership or otherwise) of Licensee
(b) Gilead shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and/or one
or both of the licenses granted pursuant to Section 2.1 or Section 2.2
or the covenant
contained in Section 7.6
(whether or not such event constitutes a right of termination
pursuant to Section 10.2), if:
(i) Gilead reasonably determines that a material quantity of API
or Product made and/or sold by Licensee has been diverted to countries outside the
Territory, whether or not by any fault or action or inaction of Licensee;
(ii) Gilead reasonably determines that, due to material
deficiencies in Licensee’s compliance, or repeated failure to comply, with the Minimum
Quality Standards, Licensee is unable to reliably and consistently manufacture API or
Product in accordance with the Minimum Quality Standards;
(iii) Gilead reasonably determines that Licensee has obtained
material quantities of API from sources outside the Territory, or in ways that are
inconsistent with the terms and conditions of Section 3; or
(iv) Gilead’s rights to EVG terminate due to the termination of
the Japan Tobacco Agreement, provided, however, that in such event, such termination
would only apply on a Product-by-Product basis and with respect to Products containing
EVG that are subject to the sublicense granted by Gilead under the Japan Tobacco
Gilead shall give Licensee written notice of any such event and provide Licensee with a
period of thirty (30) days after such notice to demonstrate that the conditions giving rise to
Gilead’s determination no longer exist to Gilead’s reasonable satisfaction. If Licensee is
unable to do so, this Agreement shall be terminated effective upon the thirtieth (30
) day
following such notice.
10.5 Insolvency
. In the event that Licensee becomes insolvent, makes an
assignment to the benefit of creditors, or has a petition in bankruptcy filed for or against it,
Gilead shall have the right to treat such event as a material breach.
Final Version
10.6 Waiver. The waiver by either party of any breach of any term or condition
of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver as to any subsequent or similar breach.
10.7 Survival
. Sections 2.3, 2.5(b), 4.5, 5.3, 5.4(a), 6.2(e)(iii), 7.7, 8, 9, 10.1,
10.7, 11 and 12 shall survive termination or expiry of this Agreement.
11. Confidentiality and Publications
11.1 Confidential Information
. All technology and know-how disclosed by one
party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other party (the “Receiving Party”) hereunder
(“Confidential Information”) shall be used solely and exclusively by Receiving Party in a
manner consistent with the licenses granted hereunder and the purposes of this Agreement
as stated in the preamble and recitals hereto; maintained in confidence by the Receiving
Party; and shall not be disclosed to any non-party or used for any purpose except to
exercise its rights and perform its obligations under this Agreement without the prior
written consent of the Disclosing Party, except to the extent that the Receiving Party can
demonstrate by competent written evidence that such information: (a) is known by the
Receiving Party at the time of its receipt and, not through a prior disclosure by the
Disclosing Party, as documented by the Receiving Party’s business records; (b) is in the
public domain other than as a result of any breach of this Agreement by the Receiving
Party; (c) is subsequently disclosed to the Receiving Party on a non-confidential basis by a
third party who may lawfully do so; or (d) is independently discovered or developed by the
Receiving Party without the use of Confidential Information provided by the Disclosing
Party, as documented by the Receiving Party’s business records. Within thirty (30) days
after any expiration or termination of this Agreement, Receiving Party shall destroy (and
certify to the Disclosing Party such destruction) or return all Confidential Information
provided by the Disclosing Party except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement. One (1)
copy of the Confidential Information may be retained in the Receiving Party’s files solely
for archival purposes as a means of determining any continuing or surviving obligations
under this Agreement. The confidential obligations under this Agreement shall survive
this Agreement for a period of five (5) years. To the extent Gilead receives any
Confidential Information from Licensee relating to EVG, EVG Product, EVG
Combination Product or Quad, Gilead will have the right to disclose such Confidential
Information to Japan Tobacco, provided such disclosure remains subject to the obligations
of confidentiality and non-disclosure set forth in the Japan Tobacco Agreement.
11.2 Press Release
. Each party may disclose to third parties or make public
statements, by press release or otherwise, regarding the existence of this Agreement, the
identity of the parties, the terms, conditions and subject matter of this Agreement, or
otherwise in reference to this Agreement, provided such disclosures or statements are
accurate and complete with respect to the subject matter thereof and the information
disclosed therein.
11.3 Use of Name
. Except as provided for under Section 11.2, neither party shall
use the other party’s name, logo or trademarks for any purpose including without limitation
Final Version
publicity or advertising, except with the prior written consent of the other party. Licensee
agrees not to use Japan Tobacco’s name, logo or trademarks for any purpose except with
the prior written consent of Japan Tobacco.
12. Miscellaneous
12.1 Agency
. Neither party is, nor will be deemed to be, an employee, agent or
representative of the other party for any purpose. Each party is an independent contractor,
not an employee or partner of the other party. Neither party shall have the authority to
speak for, represent or obligate the other party in any way without prior written authority
from the other party.
12.2 Entire Understanding
. This Agreement embodies the entire understanding
of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous
communications, representations or understandings, and agreements, whether oral or
written, between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Gilead and Licensee
hereby expressly agree that this Agreement amends and restates in its entirety the TDF
License Agreement as of the Effective Date.
12.3 Severability
. The parties hereby expressly state that it is not their intention
to violate any applicable rule, law or regulation. If any of the provisions of this Agreement
are held to be void or unenforceable with regard to any particular country by a court of
competent jurisdiction, then, to the extent possible, such void or unenforceable provision
shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision which will achieve as far as possible
the economic business intentions of the Parties. The provisions held to be void or
unenforceable shall remain, however, in full force and effect with regard to all other
countries. All other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
12.4 Notices
(a) Any notice or other communication to be given under this
Agreement, unless otherwise specified, shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
been provided when delivered to the addressee at the address listed below (i) on the date of
delivery if delivered in person or (ii) three days after mailing by registered or certified mail,
postage paid:
In the case of Gilead:
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
333 Lakeside Drive
Foster City, CA 94404
Attention: General Counsel
Facsimile: (650) 522-5537
Final Version
In the case of Licensee:
[Insert Address]
(b) Either party may change its address for communications by a notice
in writing to the other party in accordance with this Section 12.4.
12.5 Governing Law
. This Agreement is made in accordance with and shall be
governed and construed under the laws of England, without regard to its choice of law
12.6 Arbitration
(a) All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present
Agreement shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International
Chamber of Commerce by three arbitrators.
(b) Each party shall nominate one arbitrator. Should the claimant fail to
appoint an arbitrator in the Request for Arbitration within thirty (30) days of being
requested to do so, or if the respondent should fail to appoint an arbitrator in its Answer to
the Request for Arbitration within thirty (30) days of being requested to do so, the other
party shall request the ICC Court to make such appointment.
(c) The arbitrators nominated by the parties shall, within thirty (30)
days from the appointment of the arbitrator nominated in the Answer to the Request for
Arbitration, and after consultation with the parties, agree and appoint a third arbitrator,
who will act as a chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal. Should such procedure not result in an
appointment within the thirty (30) day time limit, either party shall be free to request the
ICC Court to appoint the third arbitrator.
(d) London, England shall be the seat of the arbitration.
(e) The language of the arbitration shall be English. Documents
submitted in the arbitration (the originals of which are not in English) shall be submitted
together with an English translation.
(f) This arbitration agreement does not preclude either party seeking
conservatory or interim measures from any court of competent jurisdiction including,
without limitation, the courts having jurisdiction by reason of either party’s domicile.
Conservatory or interim measures sought by either party in any one or more jurisdictions
shall not preclude the Arbitral Tribunal granting conservatory or interim measures.
Conservatory or interim measures sought by either party before the Arbitral Tribunal shall
Final Version
not preclude any court of competent jurisdiction granting conservatory or interim
(g) In the event that any issue shall arise which is not clearly provided
for in this arbitration agreement the matter shall be resolved in accordance with the ICC
Arbitration Rules.
12.7 Assignment
. Gilead is entitled to transfer and assign this Agreement and
the rights and obligations under this Agreement on prior notice to Licensee. Licensee is
not entitled to transfer or assign this Agreement or the rights and obligations under this
12.8 Amendment
. No amendment or modification hereof shall be valid or
binding upon the parties unless made in writing and signed by both parties.
[signatures appear on following page]
N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amended and Restated
License Agreement as of the Effective Date.
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Final Version
Appendix 1
Countries in the TDF Territory
1. Afghanistan
2. Angola
3. Anguilla
4. Antigua and Barbuda
5. Armenia
6. Aruba
7. Bahamas
8. Bangladesh
9. Barbados
10. Belize
11. Benin
12. Bhutan
13. Bolivia
14. Botswana
15. British Virgin Islands
16. Burkina Faso
17. Burundi
18. Cambodia
19. Cameroon
20. Cape Verde
21. Central African
22. Chad
23. Comoros
24. Congo, Rep
25. Congo, Dem. Rep. of
26. Côte d'Ivoire
27. Cuba
28. Djibouti
29. Dominica
30. Dominican Republic
31. Ecuador
32. El Salvador
33. Equatorial Guinea
34. Eritrea
35. Ethiopia
36. Fiji Islands
37. Gabon
38. Gambia
39. Georgia
40. Ghana
41. Grenada
42. Guatemala
43. Guinea
44. Guinea-Bissau
45. Guyana
46. Haiti
47. Honduras
48. India
49. Indonesia
50. Jamaica
51. Kazakhstan
52. Kenya
53. Kiribati
54. Kyrgyzstan
55. Lao, People's Dem.
56. Lesotho
57. Liberia
58. Madagascar
59. Malawi
60. Maldives
61. Mali
62. Mauritania
63. Mauritius
64. Moldova, Rep. of
66. Montserrat
67. Mozambique
68. Myanmar
69. Namibia
70. Nauru
71. Nepal
72. Nicaragua
73. Niger
74. Nigeria
75. Pakistan
76. Palau
77. Papua NewGuinea
78. Rwanda
79. Saint Kitts and Nevis
80. Saint Lucia
81. Saint Vincent & the
82. Samoa
83. São Tomé and
84. Senegal
85. Seychelles
86. Sierra Leone
87. Solomon Islands
88. Somalia
89. South Africa
90. South Sudan
91. Sri Lanka
92. Sudan
93. Surinam
94. Swaziland
95. Syrian Arab
96. Tajikistan
97. Tanzania, U. Rep. of
98. Thailand
99. Timor-Leste
100. Togo
101. Tonga
102. Trinidad and Tobago
103. Turkmenistan
104. Turks and Caicos
105. Tuvalu
106. Uganda
107. Uzbekistan
108. Vanuatu
109. Vietnam
110. Yemen
111. Zambia
112. Zimbabwe
Appendix 2
TDF Patents
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number: Grant Date
India 25-Jul-1997 2076/DEL/1997
India 25-Jul-1997 602/DEL/2007
Country Filing Date Application Number Patent Number Grant Date
India 24-Jul-1998 2174/DEL/1998 190780 15-Mar-2004
India 24-Jul-1998 896/DEL/2002
India 24-Jul-1998 963/DEL/2002
India 24-Jul-1998 1362/DEL/2004
India 24-Jul-1998 2100/DEL/2007
India 24-Jul-1998 2256/DEL/2009
India 24-Jul-1998 1135/DEL/2007
Indonesia 23-Jul-1998 W-991548 0007658 11-Apr-2002
EVG Patents
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Bolivia 18-Nov-2003 SP-230265
India 20-Nov-2003 01316/CHENP/2004 245833 3-Feb-2011
Nigeria 19-Nov-2003 424/2003 RP.15779 20-Oct-2004
South Africa 20-Nov-2003 2004/4537 2004/4537 31-Aug-2005
Viet Nam 20-Nov-2003 1-2004-00605
Final Version
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
frican Regional
6-Mar-2007 AP/P/2008/004621
Eurasian Patent
6-Mar-2007 200870321
India 6-Mar-2007 5341/CHENP/2008
frican Union
Territories (OAPI)
6-Mar-2007 1200800317 14280 31-Mar-2009
South Africa 6-Mar-2007 2008/07547 2008/07547 25-Nov-2009
Viet Nam 6-Mar-2007 1-2008-02431
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
India 6-Mar-2007 5344/CHENP/2008
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
frican Regional
Industrial Property
11-Sep-2007 AP/P/2009/004831
Eurasian Patent
11-Sep-2007 200900441
11-Sep-2007 1808/DELNP/2009
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Bolivia 19-May-2005 SP-250121
India 19-May-2005 357/CHENP/2010
South Africa 19-May-2005 2006/10647 2006/10647 25-Jun-2008
Final Version
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
frican Union
Territories (OAPI)
11-Sep-2007 1200900070
Viet Nam
11-Sep-2007 1-2009-00636
South Africa
11-Sep-2007 2009/01576
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
frican Regional
Industrial Property
11-Sep-2008 AP/P/2010/005187
Eurasian Patent
11-Sep-2008 201070256
11-Sep-2008 1615/DELNP/2010
frican Union
Territories (OAPI)
11-Sep-2008 1201000093
Viet Nam
11-Sep-2008 1-2009-00636
South Africa
11-Sep-2008 1-2010-00483
COBI Patents
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
African Regional
(ARIPO) 06-Jul-2007 AP/P/2008/004720
Eurasian Patent
(EAPO) 06-Jul-2007 200900155
Final Version
India 06-Jul-2007 10487/DELNP/2008
African Union
(OAPI) 06-Jul-2007 1200800450 14409 30-Sep-2009
Viet Nam 06-Jul-2007 1-2009-00240
South Africa 06-Jul-2007 2008/10399
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
African Regional
(ARIPO) 22-Feb-2008 AP/P/2009/004964
Eurasian Patent
(EAPO) 22-Feb-2008 200901155
India 22-Feb-2008 5324/DELNP/2009
African Union
(OAPI) 22-Feb-2008 1200900273
Viet Nam 22-Feb-2008 1-2009-01990
South Africa 22-Feb-2008 2009/05882
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
African Regional
(ARIPO) 01-May-2009 AP/P/2010/005429
Eurasian Patent
(EAPO) 01-May-2009 201071173
India 01-May-2009 7565/DELNP/2010
African Union
(OAPI) 01-May-2009
Viet Nam 01-May-2009 1-2010-02929
Final Version
South Africa 01-May-2009 2010/08007
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Bolivia 30-Mar-2010 SP-0082-2010
Treaty (PCT) 01-Apr-2010 PCT/US10/29633
Pakistan 31-Mar-2010 262/2010
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Bolivia 05-Feb-2010 SP-00292010
Treaty (PCT) 04-Feb-2010 PCT/US10/023226
Pakistan 05-Feb-2010 94/2010
For purposes of this Appendix 2, references to “OAPI,” “EAPO” and “ARIPO” shall not be construed
or interpreted to grant rights to Licensee in any country other than those countries expressly
included within the licenses granted to Licensee in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this Agreement.
Final Version
Appendix 3
Terms for Technology Transfer
Gilead shall provide Licensee with the following information to fully enable Licensee to
manufacture TDF, EVG, COBI, TDF Product, EVG Product, COBI Product and Quad at
commercial-scale quantities and in compliance with Gilead’s required quality
1. Manufacturing process descriptions, specifications and methods;
2. Stability data;
3. Analytical method validation; and
4. Discussion of impurities.
Final Version
Appendix 4
Emtricitabine Patents
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Malawi 31-Jan-1991 MW49/92 MW49/92 12-Dec-1994
Sri Lanka 31-Jan-1991 10414 10414 03-Aug-1992
Date Serial Number Patent Numbe
Grant Date
Indonesia 22-Feb-1992 P-002339 ID0001489 17-Apr-1997
Nigeria 21-Feb-1992 RP48/92
Pakistan 25-Feb-1992 79/92 133092 28-Mar-1994
South Africa 20-Feb-1992 92/01251 92/01251 27-Oct-1993
Thailand 20-Feb-1992 015518 17659 16-Sep-2004
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
South Africa 05-Mar-1992 92/1658 92/1658 24-Nov-1993
Thailand 05-Mar-1992 015608 10939 06-Sep-2001
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
rmenia 24-Jul-1992 000446 749 01-Mar-2000
Benin 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Botswana 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Botswana 27-Apr-1998
Burkina Faso 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Burundi 28-Jul-1992 92/5668 92/5668 28-Apr-1993
Final Version
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Cameroon 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Central African
24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Chad 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Congo, Republic
24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Congo, Republic
28-Jan-2000 NP/04/EXT/2000 2000/3587 22-Jun-2003
Cote d’Ivoire
(Ivory Coast)
24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
10-Jul-1997 1793970004607 370 23-Jul-2001
Gabon 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Gambia 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Georgia 24-Jul-1992 001988 2094 10-Feb-2000
Ghana 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Guinea 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Guinea-Bissau 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Honduras 18-Aug-1997 PICA97118 3775 25-Apr-2000
Indonesia 01-Aug-1992 P-004494 ID0002829 22-Jun-1998
Jamaica 08-Jul-1997 18/1/3809 3615 25-May-2005
Kenya 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Kyrgyz Republic 10-Nov-1994 940226.1 310 29-Sep-2000
Lesotho 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Madagascar 24-Jul-1992 26/94 28 03-Jun-1996
Malawi 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Mali 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Mauritania 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Moldova 24-Jul-1992 95-0114 1434 31-Mar-2000
Nicaragua 05-Dec-1997 97.0096 1134RPI 17-May-1999
Final Version
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Niger 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Nigeria 28-Jul-1992 171/92 RP11323 24-Mar-1993
Pakistan 30-Jul-1992 352/92 133305 22-Sep-1994
Rwanda 28-Jul-1992 92/5668 50 19-Apr-2000
Senegal 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
South Africa 28-Jul-1992 92/5668 92/5668 28-Apr-1993
Sri Lanka 24-Jul-1992 10609 10609 07-Apr-1995
Sudan 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Swaziland 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Tajikistan 24-Jul-1992 94000128/22 TJ244 12-Aug-1999
Togo 24-Jul-1992 PV60465 09883 15-Sep-1994
Uganda 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Uzbekistan 24-Jul-1992 IHAP9400856.2 IAP02360 10-Sep-2003
Zambia 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Zimbabwe 31-Jul-1992 APP9200414 AP321 28-Feb-1994
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
India 08-Oct-1999
197625 02-Mar-2007
India 08-Oct-1999 3639/DELNP/2004 247136 29-Mar-2011
Date Serial Number Patent Numbe
Grant Date
220526 29-May-2008
India 12-Aug-1999
243267 30-Sep-2010
Final Version
Date Serial Number Patent Numbe
Grant Date
India 12-Aug-1999
239028 03-Mar-2010
Date Serial Number Patent Numbe
Grant Date
Pakistan 26-Mar-1996 172.96 N/A N/A
Date Serial Number Patent Numbe
Grant Date
frican Regional
Industrial Property
Organization (ARIPO)
8-Feb-1990 AP/P/90/00163 AP136 5-Aug-1991
rmenia 28-Apr-1995 000316 455 15-May-1998
Botswana 21-Apr-1998 BW/A/98/00042
Georgia 9-Jan-1994 245/01 1599 29-Apr-1999
Jamaica 12-Jan-1997 18-1-3799
Kazakhstan 23-Nov-1993 932441.1 6138 15-Apr-1998
Kyrgyzstan 31-Oct-1994 940208.1 219 31-Oct-1994
Moldova 14-Jul-1994 94-0408 1007 31-Aug-1998
eria 7-Feb-1990 31/90 RP10849 30-Dec-1999
frican Union Territories
8-Feb-1990 59735 9193 30-Jan-1992
Pakistan 8-Feb-1990 57/90 132128 23-May-1992
South Africa 8-Feb-1990 90/0943 90/0943 31-Oct-1990
Tajikistan 2-May-1994 94000018 TJ135 2-May-1994
Turkmenistan 24-Aug-1995 195 306 17-Sep-1997
Uzbekistan 29-Sep-1994 IHAP9400855.2 4707 3-Nov-1997
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
Final Version
Country Filing Date Serial Number Patent Number Grant Date
rmenia 20-May-1992 000553 529 15-Mar-1999
Botswana 24-Apr-1998 BW/A/98/00109
Botswana 27-Apr-1998 BW/A/98/00187
Georgia 20-May-1992 001732 2030 10-Jan-2000
Guatemala 3-Mar-2000 P1-980047
Kyrgyzstan 10-Nov-1994 940225.1 323 29-Dec-2000
Moldova 20-May-1992 950172 1155 28-Feb-1999
frican Union Territories
20-May-1992 PV60438 10349 29-Dec-1997
Pakistan 21-May-1992 246/92 133215 31-Jul-1994
Paraguay 21-May-1992 26/97 3.685 7-Apr-1997
Sri Lanka 21-May-1992 10587 10587 25-Mar-1994
South Africa 13-May-1992 92/3477 92/3477 27-Jan-1993
South Africa 19-May-1992 92/3640 92/3640 24-Feb-1993
Tajikistan 20-May-1992 94000017/22 267 18-Apr-2000
Uzbekistan 30-Sep-1994 IHAP9400869.2 5442 20-Oct-1998
Final Version
Appendix 5
Countries in the COBI Territory
1. Afghanistan
2. Angola
3. Anguilla
4. Antigua and
5. Armenia
6. Aruba
7. Bahamas
8. Bangladesh
9. Barbados
10. Belize
11. Benin
12. Bhutan
13. Bolivia
14. British Virgin
15. Burkina Faso
16. Burundi
17. Cambodia
18. Cameroon
19. Cape Verde
20. Central African
21. Chad
22. Comoros
23. Congo, Rep
24. Congo, Dem.
Rep. of the
25. Côte d'Ivoire
26. Cuba
27. Djibouti
28. Dominica
29. Dominican
31. Eritrea
32. Ethiopia
33. Fiji Islands, Rep.
of the
34. Gabon
35. Gambia
36. Georgia
37. Ghana
38. Grenada
39. Guatemala
40. Guinea
41. Guinea-Bissau
42. Guyana
43. Haiti
44. Honduras
45. India
46. Jamaica
47. Kenya
48. Kiribati
49. Kyrgyzstan
50. Lao People's Dem.
51. Lesotho
52. Liberia
53. Madagascar
54. Malawi
55. Maldives
56. Mali
57. Mauritania
58. Mauritius
59. Moldova, Rep. of
60. Mongolia
61. Montserrat
62. Mozambique
64. Nauru
65. Nepal
66. Nicaragua
67. Niger
68. Nigeria
69. Pakistan
70. Palau
71. Papua New Guinea
72. Rwanda
73. Saint Kitts and Nevis
74. Saint Lucia
75. Saint Vincent & the
76. Samoa
77. São Tomé and Príncipe
78. Senegal
79. Seychelles
80. Sierra Leone
81. Solomon Islands
82. Somalia
83. South Africa
84. South Sudan
85. Sudan
86. Suriname
87. Swaziland
88. Syrian Arab Republic
89. Tajikistan
90. Tanzania, U. Rep. of
91. Timor-Leste
92. Togo
93. Tonga
94. Trinidad and Tobago
95. Turks and Caicos
97. Uganda
98. Uzbekistan
99. Vanuatu
100. Vietnam
101. Yemen
102. Zambia
103. Zimbabwe
Final Version
Appendix 6
Countries in the EVG-Quad Territory
1. Afghanistan
2. Angola
3. Anguilla
4. Antigua and
5. Armenia
6. Bahamas
7. Bangladesh
8. Barbados
9. Belize
10. Benin
11. Bhutan
12. Bolivia
13. British Virgin
14. Burkina Faso
15. Burundi
16. Cambodia
17. Cameroon
18. Cape Verde
19. Central African
20. Chad
21. Comoros
22. Congo, Rep
23. Congo, Dem.
Rep. of the
24. Côte d'Ivoire
25. Cuba
26. Djibouti
27. Dominica
28. Equatorial
29. Eritrea
31. Fiji Islands,
Rep. of the
32. Gabon
33. Gambia
34. Georgia
35. Ghana
36. Grenada
37. Guatemala
38. Guinea
39. Guinea-Bissau
40. Guyana
41. Haiti
42. Honduras
43. India
44. Jamaica
45. Kenya
46. Kiribati
47. Kyrgyzstan
48. Lao People's Dem.
49. Lesotho
50. Liberia
51. Madagascar
52. Malawi
53. Maldives
54. Mali
55. Mauritania
56. Mauritius
57. Moldova, Rep. of
58. Mongolia
59. Mozambique
60. Myanmar
61. Nauru
62. Nepal
64. Niger
65. Nigeria
66. Pakistan
67. Palau
68. Papua New Guinea
69. Rwanda
70. Saint Kitts and Nevis
71. Saint Lucia
72. Saint Vincent & the
73. Samoa
74. São Tomé and Príncipe
75. Senegal
76. Seychelles
77. Sierra Leone
78. Solomon Islands
79. Somalia
80. South Africa
81. South Sudan
82. Sudan
83. Suriname
84. Swaziland
85. Syrian Arab Republic
86. Tajikistan
87. Tanzania, U. Rep. of
88. Timor-Leste
89. Togo
90. Tonga
91. Trinidad and Tobago
92. Turks and Caicos
93. Tuvalu
94. Uganda
95. Uzbekistan
96. Vanuatu
97. Vietnam
98. Yemen
99. Zambia
100. Zimbabwe
Final Version
Appendix 7
Countries in the Semi-Exclusive Territory
The Semi-Exclusive Territory for Matrix Laboratories Ltd:
1. Sri Lanka
2. Thailand
The Semi-Exclusive Territory for Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd:
1. Botswana
2. Namibia
The Semi-Exclusive Territory for Strides Arcolab Ltd:
1. El Salvador
2. Ecuador
3. Indonesia
4. Kazakhstan
5. Turkmenistan