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This Amended and Restated Management Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and
entered into on __________, 2017 (“Effective Date”) by and between Quartz Health Solutions,
Inc. d/b/a Quartz, a Wisconsin for-profit corporation (“Quartz”), and Unity Health Plans
Insurance Corporation, a Wisconsin stock insurance corporation (“Unity”) (each, a “Party,” and
collectively, “Parties”), with reference to the following background:
A. Unity is a duly organized and validly existing corporation that is licensed as a
stock insurance corporation in Wisconsin;
B. Quartz is a duly organized and validly existing corporation that is licensed as an
employee benefit plan administrator in Wisconsin and is an Affiliate (as defined in Section 1(c)
below) of Unity and provides administrative and management services to support health
maintenance organizations and health insurers in the administration of their benefit products;
C. The Parties are parties to that certain Management Agreement, dated as of May 2,
2016 (the “Initial Management Agreement”);
D. Unity desires for Quartz to continue to provide such administrative and
management services to and on behalf of Unity in connection with Unity’s benefit products as
are required to administer Unity’s business adequately and appropriately;
E. Quartz desires to continue to provide such services to and on behalf of Unity in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and
F. The Parties desire to amend and restate the Initial Management Agreement, and
this Agreement amends, restates, and supersedes the Initial Management Agreement in its
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing background recitals and the
mutual promises and covenants set forth herein, and for other good and value consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound, the
Parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Authority and Duties of Quartz.
(a) Services. Quartz shall provide to Unity, from time to time and either
directly or through third parties, the following services as required to administer Unity’s business
adequately and appropriately (“Services”), including but not limited to those described below
and more fully in Exhibit A:
(i) reinsurance pricing and procurement;
(ii) investment services;
(iii) actuarial analysis;
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(iv) underwriting
(v) human resources services and employee benefits administration;
(vi) policyholder services;
(vii) legal services;
(viii) corporate and tax accounting;
(ix) record keeping and financial reporting;
(x) information technology services;
(xi) sales, marketing, and enrollment;
(xii) account and broker management;
(xiii) compliance and strategic planning;
(xiv) premium collection and refunds;
(xv) claims management and settlement;
(xvi) utilization review and utilization management;
(xvii) provider credentialing;
(xviii) member grievance and appeals;
(xix) care coordination, disease management, quality management, and
other quality improvement activities, including but not limited to
maintaining National Committee for Quality Assurance
(xx) provider contracting and network management; and
(xxi) such other services as the Parties mutually agree.
(b) Standard of Care. In providing the Services, Quartz shall act in good faith,
in a commercially reasonable manner and in accordance with customary industry standards and
applicable laws for the provision of the Services. Unity shall provide Quartz with all information
that is necessary to enable Quartz to perform fully its obligations hereunder. Quartz shall
provide the Services consistent with the service-level standards set forth in Exhibit B.
(c) Assignment. Quartz must have prior written approval from Unity to
assign its rights or obligations with respect to the performance of any Services, including an
assignment to an Affiliate of Unity. For purposes of this Agreement, “Affiliate” means, with
respect to any Party, any other individual or entity controlling, controlled by or under common
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control with such Party, with “control” (including the terms “controlling,” “controlled by” and
“under common control with”) meaning the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to
direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of an individual or entity, whether
through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.
(d) Subcontracting. Quartz shall ensure that all arrangements with contractors
engaged by Quartz to provide Services (i) are in writing, specify the services and reporting
obligations, and are duly executed; (ii) require the provision of such services in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement, applicable laws, and services standards and requirements as the
same would apply to Quartz if Quartz were performing the services; (iii) require compliance with
the terms of this Agreement, as applicable; (iv) state that Unity and Quartz shall monitor the
contractors’ performance on an ongoing basis, including through routine audits; (v) include a
Business Associate Agreement that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), as amended by the Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health Act (“HITECH”), in every agreement with a contractor that
receives protected health information (“PHI”), as that term is defined under HIPAA; and (vi)
permit Quartz to suspend or revoke a contractor’s provision of Services under this Agreement or
take such other corrective action as regulatory bodies, Unity and/or Quartz determines
appropriate. If any contractor credentials health care professionals, then the written arrangement
also shall state that the credentials shall be reviewed by Unity and Quartz and/or the contractor’s
credentialing process shall be subject to review and approval as well as periodic audit by Unity
and Quartz. Quartz shall use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly amend any
agreements with contractors to comply with applicable laws. Quartz shall provide Unity with a
list of all contractors on an annual basis and upon request.
(e) Unity Oversight.
Provision of the Services will at all times be subject to oversight and control by the Board of
Directors of Unity, which shall direct and control the business that is being carried out by Quartz
on behalf of Unity, including the control and direction of Quartz’s employees in the performance
of Services under this Agreement. No action taken by Quartz at the direction or with the
approval of a majority of the Unity’s Board of Directors in office at the time of the direction or
approval may be used by Unity as grounds for termination under Section 4. In performing any
Services hereunder, Quartz shall be responsible for following the written instructions and
procedures of Unity hereunder.
2. Reimbursable Expenses.
(a) Quartz shall not be required to expend or advance its own funds in
connection with the performance of the Services. Consistent with Section 3 below, Unity shall
pay or reimburse Quartz for all costs and expenses incurred by Quartz for employees, equipment,
facilities and other items in connection with Quartz performing Services or other duties and
obligations under this Agreement. Expenses shall be apportioned in accordance with applicable
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, provided that, the parties shall be in compliance with
the requirements in the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual as it relates to this
Agreement. The books and records of Quartz and Unity shall be maintained in a way that clearly
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and accurately discloses the nature and details of the Services, including such accounting
information as is necessary to support the expenses apportioned to Unity.
(b) All payments and/or reimbursements made by Unity to Quartz pursuant to
Section 3 hereunder are intended to approximate the costs and expenses incurred by Quartz in
performing its services hereunder. All of the advances, costs and expenses to be paid or
reimbursed by Unity to Quartz pursuant to Section 3 or otherwise in this Agreement are
collectively referred to as the “Reimbursable Expenses.”
3. Payments for Services.
(a) No later than the fifth business day of each month that this Agreement is
in effect, Unity shall pay Quartz an advance payment (“Monthly Advance Payment”) up to 1/12
the amount of Quartz’s annual operating budget for services provided to Unity as approved by
the Unity Board of Directors in advance of each year (“Annual Operating Budget”) to cover the
expected cost of Quartz’s Reimbursable Expenses for the month. The first Monthly Advance
Payment shall be made by Unity on the Effective Date without regard to whether the Effective
Date is the first day of a month.
(b) In the event Quartz expects its Reimbursable Expenses for Services
provided to Unity to exceed the amounts paid as Monthly Advance Payments by Unity, then
Quartz may request that Unity’s Board of Directors approve additional funding equal to the
expected shortfall in Monthly Advance Payments (“Supplemental Funding”). Quartz shall
provide Unity with sufficient data and information for Unity to evaluate a request for
Supplemental Funding. Upon receiving such a request from Quartz, Unity’s Board of Directors
shall promptly vote on such request. The maximum Supplemental Funding request to Unity, as
measured in the aggregate on a calendar year basis, is ten percent (10%) of the Annual Operating
(c) Within thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar year in which
Services are provided, Quartz shall submit to Unity a statement setting forth all Reimbursable
Expenses for such calendar year. Consistent with Section 2(b), the Reimbursable Expenses shall
be calculated based on Quartz’s actual costs to provide the Services. Within thirty (30) days
after receipt of the statement, there shall be a reconciliation comparing Reimbursable Expenses
to the Monthly Advance Payments and Supplemental Funding. Based on the results of such
reconciliation, either (i) Unity shall, within five (5) business days, pay to Quartz the amount by
which the Reimbursable Expenses exceeded the total Monthly Advance Payments and
Supplemental Funding received by Quartz during the year or (ii) Quartz shall, within five (5)
business days, pay to Unity the amount by which the Reimbursable Expenses were less than the
total Monthly Advance Payments and Supplemental Funding received by Quartz during the year.
(d) Within thirty (30) days following the termination of this Agreement for
any reason or until Services are transferred to a new party, whichever is later, Quartz shall return
to Unity the amount Quartz has retained from Unity’s payments during the term of this
Agreement after deducting costs for Quartz’s Reimbursable Expenses.
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(e) Unity shall not advance funds to Quartz except to pay for services defined
in this Agreement. Any funds or invested assets of Unity held by Quartz are the exclusive
property of Unity, are held for the benefit of Unity, and are subject to the control of Unity.
4. Termination.
(a) This Agreement may be terminated as follows:
(i) By mutual agreement of the Parties in writing;
(ii) By either Party if the other Party has materially breached any
material term of this Agreement and has not corrected such breach within 30 days after receipt of
written notice of such breach. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a failure by its nature cannot be
corrected within a 30-day period, then there shall be no right to terminate this Agreement if the
correcting Party substantially begins correction within such 30-day period and thereafter
expeditiously corrects such breach.
(iii) By either Party if the Parties are no longer Affiliates; or
(iv) By Unity if the type, quantity, or manner of Services provided by
Quartz hereunder cause Unity to be operated, in Unity’s reasonable discretion, in a manner that
does not further Unity’s purposes.
(b) In the event of termination of this Agreement, Quartz shall promptly
arrange, at the cost of Unity, for the return or transfer to a successor service provider, if any, of
all of the books and records of Unity, including any Proprietary Information, that were provided
to Quartz or created by Quartz pursuant to Quartz’s responsibilities under this Agreement.
Quartz will cooperate with Unity in such return or transfer.
(c) In the event of termination, Quartz shall continue to provide Services for
the period reasonably necessary to transfer the Services to a new entity.
5. Confidentiality – Proprietary Information.
(a) Proprietary Information. “Proprietary Information” includes the pricing,
methods, processes, financial data, provider or customer lists, statistics, software, systems or
equipment, programs, research, development, strategic plans, operating data, or related
information of each of the Parties and/or its or their policyholders, concerning past, present, or
future business activities of each Party. Proprietary Information includes all non-public
information disclosed by either Party to the other prior to the execution of this Agreement.
(b) Confidentiality. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each
Party shall maintain the Proprietary Information of the other Party in strict confidence; will use
such Proprietary Information only for purposes of this Agreement; and will not disclose such
Proprietary Information to any person or entity, except with the prior written consent of the other
Party. Each Party shall take reasonable precautions to prevent the disclosure of Proprietary
Information and each Party shall be responsible for any breach of this confidentiality
requirement by one of its officers, employees, directors, or third-party agents acting on behalf of
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such Party. Proprietary Information created, used, or purchased by Quartz for purposes of
providing Services to Unity shall be the property of Unity while this Agreement is in effect and
following its termination; such Proprietary Information must be transferred to Unity or Unity’s
designee upon termination of this Agreement, as set forth in Section 4(b) above.
(c) Permissive Disclosures. Nothing contained in this Agreement may be
construed as prohibiting either Party’s disclosure of Proprietary Information (other than to
known actual competitors of the other Party):
(i) to its employees or employees of its parent company and
subsidiaries and Affiliates on a need-to-know basis;
(ii) to the employees, agents, or representatives of the other Party; or
(iii) to other persons (including consultants) in need of access to the
information for purposes specifically related to either Party’s responsibilities under this
(d) Information Lawfully Received.
(i) Neither Party has any obligation or liability with respect to the
other’s information to the extent that the information:
(A) is already known by the receiving Party on the date of this
agreement, free from any obligation to keep such information confidential;
(B) is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of
the receiving Party;
(C) is lawfully received by the receiving Party from a third
party without restriction and without breach of any obligation of the third party; or
(D) must be disclosed pursuant to a court order or as required
by any governmental or administrative authority or authorized regulatory agency, in which event
the disclosing Party shall notify the other Party in advance of any such disclosure.
6. Privacy.
(a) The Parties shall, no later than the Effective Date, enter into a Business
Associate Agreement to govern each Party’s obligations under HIPAA and the HITECH Act.
(b) In addition to the obligations set forth in the Business Associate
Agreement, the Parties shall comply with all applicable privacy laws, including but not limited to
those applicable under the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act, codified at 15 U.S.C. § 6801 et seq., Wis.
Admin. Code Ins. Chapter 25, Iowa Admin. Code r. 191.90, and Minn. Stat. §§ 60A.98 to
7. Reports.
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(a) Quartz shall provide Unity with industry standard reports as set forth in
Exhibit C (“Reports”), which Unity reasonably and in good faith requests to conduct its business,
including monitoring of Quartz’s performance hereunder. In addition, Quartz shall provide
periodic reports to the Unity Board of Directors, which shall include, at a minimum, quarterly
operational reports on certain operational statistics as requested by the Unity. Such reports shall
contain the performance metrics for applicable laws related to the Services which Quartz has
responsibility for performing. In the preparation of any reports pursuant to this Agreement,
Quartz shall be responsible for following the written instructions and procedures of Unity
hereunder and otherwise complying with the terms of this Agreement and applicable laws in
connection with preparing the Reports.
(b) Quartz shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide support to
Unity in the event Unity is audited by a government authority with jurisdiction over the
operations of Unity.
8. Ownership of and Access to Records. Each Party shall retain title to its own
general corporate books and records. The books, accounts and records of each party shall be
kept in a manner that clearly and accurately discloses the nature and details of the transactions
under this Agreement, including the accounting information which is necessary to support the
reasonableness of the charges or fees to the respective parties, and in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles permits ascertainment of charges relating to such transactions. In
this Agreement, the books and records of Unity are defined to include all books and records
developed or maintained under or related to the Agreement. Each Party shall retain the right of
continuing access to the books and records of the other Party sufficient to permit the Parties to
fulfill all of their respective duties and obligations under this Agreement, subject to the
provisions of Sections 5. The Parties acknowledge that state departments of insurance and
applicable Federal agencies and departments lawfully entitled to access to books and records of a
Party shall be given reasonable access to such books and records during normal business hours
and upon reasonable advance notice. Unity shall have the right to audit Quartz’s books and
records to assess Quartz’s compliance with this Agreement and applicable legal requirements.
9. Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to
create the relationship of employer/employee, partner, or joint venture between Unity and Quartz
or to provide Quartz with the exclusive right to manage or control Unity in performing its
obligations under this Agreement; Quartz may exercise its own judgment subject to the
parameters set forth herein and further subject to any written rules, regulations and instructions
issued by the Board of Directors or the officers of Unity as to the time and manner in which
Quartz performs such obligations.
10. Delinquency Proceedings Against Unity. If Unity is placed in delinquency
proceedings or seized by the Commissioner of Insurance (the “Commissioner”) under chapter
645 of the Wisconsin Statutes:
(1) All of the rights of Unity under the Agreement extend to the receiver or
Commissioner; and
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(2) All books and records of Unity will immediately be made available to the receiver or
the Commissioner, and shall be turned over to the receiver or Commissioner immediately
upon the receiver or the Commissioner’s request; and
(3) Quartz will continue to maintain any systems, programs, or other infrastructure
notwithstanding such proceeding or seizure, and will make them available to the receiver
for so long as Quartz continues to receive timely payment for services.
11. Unity’s Obligation to Provide Information. Unity shall provide Quartz with all
information which is necessary to enable Quartz to perform fully its obligations hereunder.
Quartz shall not be liable to Unity for any failure to perform said obligations if such failure is a
result of Unity’s failure to provide Quartz with necessary information.
12. Indemnification. Quartz
shall indemnify, defend, and hold Unity harmless from
any and all liabilities, including the costs of defense and settlements, paid or incurred by Unity as
a result of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Quartz in providing services under this
Agreement. Unity shall, as a condition of such indemnification, notify Quartz within ten (10)
days after receipt of notice of any claim against Unity for which Unity seeks indemnification.
Quartz shall be entitled to make such investigation, settlement, or defense of the claim as it
deems prudent.
13. Miscellaneous.
(a) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted
and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, without giving effect to the
choice or conflict of law provisions of that or any other jurisdiction.
(b) Severability. Any term or provision of this Agreement that is invalid or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction will, as to that jurisdiction, be ineffective only to the extent of
any such invalidity or unenforceability without rendering invalid or unenforceable the remaining
terms and provisions of this Agreement or affecting the validity or enforceability of any of the
terms or provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction. If any provision of this
Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be interpreted to the extent possible
in a manner that is valid and enforceable.
(c) Non-waiver. No failure by either Party to insist upon strict compliance
with any term of this Agreement, to exercise any option, enforce any right, or seek any remedy
upon any default of the other Party shall affect, or constitute a waiver of, the first Party’s right to
insist upon such strict compliance, exercise that option, enforce that right, or seek that remedy
with respect to that default or any prior, contemporaneous, or subsequent default, nor shall any
custom or practice of the Parties at variance with any provision of this Agreement affect, or
constitute a waiver of, either Party’s right to demand strict compliance with all provisions of this
(d) Waivers and Amendments. The Agreement and the Exhibits attached
hereto may only be amended or modified, and the terms hereof may only be waived, by writing,
signed by each Party or, in the case of a waiver, by the Party entitled to the benefit of the terms
being waived.
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(e) Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any rights or obligations
hereunder may be assigned or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, by any Party without the
prior written consent of the other Party, except as provided in Section 1(c).
(f) Binding Effect. This Agreement will apply to and inure to the benefit of
and be binding upon and enforceable against each Party and their respective successors and
permitted assigns.
(g) Construction; Interpretation. All pronouns and any variations thereof
refer to the masculine, feminine, or neuter, singular, or plural, as the context may require. The
captions and headings of the various sections of this Agreement are not part of this Agreement,
but are only labels to assist in locating those sections and shall be ignored in construing this
(h) Notices. All notices and other communications under this Agreement will
be in writing and will be delivered personally or sent by confirmed facsimile transmission or
nationally recognized overnight delivery service. Any such notice or other communication will
deemed given upon actual delivery, in each case to the following addresses:
If to Quartz:
Quartz Health Solutions, Inc.
Attention: President
840 Carolina Street
Sauk City, WI 53583
If to Unity:
Unity Health Plans Insurance Corporation
Attention: President
840 Carolina Street
Sauk City, Wisconsin 53583
(i) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same
(j) Licensure and Compliance with Law. Quartz shall, without reliance
upon Unity, keep informed of and materially comply with laws applicable to its performance
under this Agreement, including laws governing the conduct of third party administrators, as if
Quartz were subject to those requirements directly. Quartz has and shall maintain, and shall
cause any permitted contractors to have and maintain, the applicable state licensures, permits,
and other approvals required under law to perform the Services and otherwise meet Quartz’s
obligations under this Agreement. Quartz shall furnish Unity with evidence of such licensures
and permits upon request and shall notify Unity within five (5) days of any fine, penalty,
suspension, termination or other action .regarding such licenses.
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(k) No Third Party Benefit. This Agreement is intended for the exclusive
benefit of the Parties to this Agreement and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, and
nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating any rights or benefits in or to
any third party.
[Signature Page to Unity A&R Management Agreement]
DM_US 78281109-4.101325.0011
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the duly
authorized officers of Unity and Quartz as of the date first above written.
Quartz Health Solutions, Inc. Unity Health Plans Insurance
By: By:
Printed Name: Terry Bolz Printed Name: Terry Bolz
Title: President and Chief Executive Officer Title: President and Chief Executive Officer
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Quartz shall act as a general administrative and financial manager for Unity and, subject to the
direction of Quartz’s Board of Directors and further subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement (including but not limited to Section 1(e) of the Agreement regarding the Unity
Board of Directors’ ultimate oversight of Quartz), any other applicable agreement, any
applicable laws or regulations of any governing body or regulatory agency, and any written
policies, rules or regulations of Unity, Quartz shall either directly or through subcontractors (for
whose acts, errors or omissions Quartz shall take full responsibility for) provide or perform on
behalf of Unity the services or activities required to administer Unity’s business adequately and
appropriately, including the following:
A. Strategic planning, executive guidance and general services with respect to the business
activities of Unity.
B. Consultation and assistance with the legal affairs of Unity.
C. Coordination of employee health, welfare and fringe benefit programs.
D. Financial consultation and oversight with respect to the management of the assets of
Unity. Such will include the development and implementation of a program of
investments for the assets of Unity pursuant to which program Quartz (or investment
managers designated by Quartz) will purchase and sell securities on behalf of Unity from,
to or through such brokers, dealers, investment advisors of other parties as Quartz shall
deem appropriate, provided, however, that Quartz will take no responsibility for the acts,
errors or omissions of any such broker, dealer, investment advisor or other party which it
may select to perform financial services in behalf of Unity. Quartz will provide to
Unity’s Board of Directors regular reports with respect to its investment program and
such other reports as may be necessary or requested by Unity’s Board of Directors with
the understanding that Unity’s Board of Directors shall review and approve investment
transactions on a quarterly basis. Quartz shall at all times manage the assets of Unity in
accordance with the investment policy set by Unity’s Board of Directors.
E. Accounting and bookkeeping services including the following:
1. Deposit of Unity’s funds in a special bank account in Unity’s name that is
separate from the funds of Quartz;
2. Processing and payment of trade accounts payable;
3. Maintenance of journals, ledgers, check registers and payroll records;
4. Coordination of Unity’s payroll;
5. Preparation of federal and state income and payroll tax returns;
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6. Preparation of monthly bank reconciliations;
7. Assistance in the preparation by the 10th working day of the end of each month a
balance sheet, statement of income and a statement of cash flows;
8. Coordination of investing activities;
9. Coordination and consolidation of annual budgeting process;
10. Any and all other services reasonably necessary.
F. Information systems support and telephone service.
G. Coordination and performance of the compliance functions of Unity.
H. Functions necessary to administer Unity’s benefit products, including:
1. Utilization review activities, including retrospective and concurrent utilization
review, approval of out-of-network referrals, and prior authorization services.
2. Provider credentialing.
3. Member grievance and appeals processing.
4. Provider contracting, network management, and dispute processing.
5. Claims processing and adjudication.
6. Development and distribution of member communications.
7. Healthcare quality improvement activities such as care coordination, disease
management, and quality management services, including but not limited to
maintaining National Committee for Quality Assurance accreditation.
8. Coordination and performance of the marketing, sales, enrollment, and account
and broker management functions of Unity.
I. Miscellaneous
1 Quartz may use only such advertising pertaining to business underwritten by
Unity as has been approved in writing by Unity in advance of its use.
2. Any policies, certificates, booklets, termination notices, or other written
communications delivered by Unity to Quartz for delivery to its members and
policyholders shall be delivered by Quartz promptly after receipt of instructions
from Unity to deliver them.
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3. Any underwriting conducted by Quartz on behalf of Unity shall be conducted
using underwriting criteria or other standards established and provided by Unity.
4. Quartz shall provide a written notice approved by Unity to insured individuals
advising them of the identity of, and relationship among, Quartz, the member or
policyholder, and Unity.
J. Such other services incident to the performance of the aforementioned activities and
services as may be reasonably required.
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Identification card issuance
Enrollment quality accuracy
Non-investigated claims paid within thirty (30)
Investigated claims paid in sixty (60) days
Claims paid quality accuracy
Participant satisfaction
Average speed of customer service
Customer service accuracy
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Report Frequency
Balance Sheet Quarterly; must be sent to Unity no later than
30 days after the end of a quarter
Income Statement Quarterly; must be sent to Unity no later than
30 days after the end of a quarter
Cash Flow Statements Quarterly; must be sent to Unity no later than
30 days after the end of a quarter
Standing Committee Reports Quarterly; must be sent to Unity no later than
30 days after the end of a quarter
Audit Plan Annually; must be sent to Unity no later than
30 days after the end of a calendar year
Proposed Annual Operating Budget Annually; must be sent to Unity no later than
45 days before the start of a calendar year
External Audit Reports Must be sent to Unity no later than 30 days
after Quartz’s receipt from external auditor
Internal Audit Reports Must be sent to Unity no later than 30 days
after Quartz completes the internal audit report
1. All reports provided by Quartz shall be in the format requested by Unity.
2. Quartz shall provide any such other reports as requested by the Unity Board of Directors
and/or as required by Unity or applicable law.